Publicações 2022

Antibiotics and High-Fat-Diet Induced Gut Inflammation and Impaired Gut Permeability are Improved by Dietary Blueberries Possibly Through NFκB Signaling

Ceres Mattos Della Lucia, Chrissa Petersen, Satheesh Babu Adhini Kuppuswamy, Anandh Babu Pon Velayutham
The FASEB Journal, v. 36.
Fator de impacto: 5.834

Resumo: Background: Evidence indicates that a high fat diet can promote gut inflammation and increase gut permeability. The use of antibiotics further exacerbates these complications and can lead to the development of inflammatory bowel disease. Blueberries are rich in bioactive components such as anthocyanins. We recently reported the vascular and prebiotic effects of dietary blueberries. However, the effects of blueberries on gut inflammation and permeability are unknown. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that blueberries improve antibiotics and high-fat-diet (HFD) induced gut inflammation and impaired gut barrier function in C57BL/6J mice. Methods: 7-week-old male mice (Jackson Lab) consumed standard diet (10% kcal fat) (CON) or HFD (60% kcal fat) with antibiotic cocktail (ampicillin, vancomycin, neomycin sulfate and metronidazole) in drinking water (HFA) or 3.7% freeze-dried blueberry powder supplemented HFD with antibiotic cocktail in drinking water (HFA+BB) for 12 weeks. Body weight and body composition were assessed at the end of the experiment. Inflammation and permeability of the colon were assessed by the mRNA expression of inflammatory markers (IL-1β, IL-6, iNOS, MCP-1); gut barrier markers (MUC-2, cldn-1 and TJP-10); and markers of NFκB signaling (p65, IKK- β and IκBα) by qPCR using specific primers and SYBR green. Results: HFA mice had an increased body weight, reduced lean body mass, and increased body fat compared to CON mice. Blueberry supplementation did not alter these metabolic parameters in HFA+BB vs HFA mice. mRNA expression of inflammatory markers (IL-1β, iNOS, MCP-1); gut barrier marker MUC-2; and markers of NFκB signaling (p65 and IκBα) were increased in HFA vs CON mice. However, blueberry supplementation improved inflammation and permeability of the colon as shown by a reduced colonic expression of IL-1β, iNOS, MCP-1 and MUC-2 in HFA+BB vs HFA mice. Further, a reduced mRNA expression of p65 and IκBα in HFA+BB vs HFA mice indicates that the protective effect of blueberry on the colon could be mediated through NFκB signaling. Conclusion: Blueberry supplementation suppresses colon inflammation and ameliorates colon permeability possibly through NFκB Signaling. Consumption of blueberry is a potential dietary approach to improve gut health.

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of curcumin transdermal gel in an IL-10 knockout mouse model of inflammatory bowel disease

Fernanda de Oliveira Araújo, Mateus Brum Felício, Cássia F. Lima, Mayra S. Piccolo, Virginia F. Pizziolo, Leandro Licursi de Oliveira, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio, Marisa A. N. Dias
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, n.94, p.1-13

Fator de impacto 1.813

Resumo: Inflammatory bowel diseases are a group of inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Their prevalence is still low in Brazil, but the incidence is increasing annually. A variety of compounds present in Curcuma longa L., particularly curcumin, have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and aid in the prevention of associated diseases. This study aimed to assess the effect of curcumin transdermal gel on oxidative stress and intestinal inflammation in IL-10 knockout mice. Female mice were divided into
four groups: a control group (C0) treated with vehicle and three experimental groups treated with transdermal gel containing 50 (C50), 75 (C75), and 100 (C100) mg curcumin kg−1 body weight. Colon malondialdehyde concentrations were lower in C50 and C75 groups. C100 treatment led to reduced catalase activity in the small intestine, whereas C50, C75, and C100 treatments resulted in decreased catalase activity in the colon. In contrast, superoxide dismutase activity increased in the small intestine of C50 and C75 mice and decreased in the colon of C50, C75, and C100 mice. Glutathione S-transferase
activity increased in the small intestine and decreased in the colon of C75 animals. These findings suggest that curcumin transdermal gel exerts a protective effect against oxidative stress.

Associação entre o horário da primeira e última refeição com o consumo alimentar de gestantes

Ana Raquel Ernesto Manuel Gotine, Mariana de Santis Filgueiras, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Raquel Maria Amaral Araújo, Leidjaira Juvanhol Lopes, Patrícia Feliciano Pereira
Research, Society and Development, v. 11, n. 14, p.1-11

Resumo: O horário mais cedo da primeira refeição e uma tendência do cronotipo matinal tem sido associado a hábitos alimentares saudáveis. O objetivo foi investigar associação entre o horário da primeira e última refeição e o consumo alimentar de gestantes. Métodos: Estudo transversal com 111 gestantes atendidas em um serviço público de saúde. Os dados foram coletados nos prontuários. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por meio de um recordatório da dieta habitual, o valor nutricional foi determinado pelo Programa DietPro® versão 6.1, a qualidade da dieta foi avaliada utilizando o Índice de Qualidade da Dieta Adaptado para Gestantes Brasileiras (IQDAG). O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de Viçosa (Nº 4.098.560). Resultados: A média da idade foi 34,3 (±5,5) anos. As gestantes que fizeram a primeira refeição do dia mais tarde e a última cedo (RP 2,55; IC 95% 1,41-4,63), tiveram maior prevalência de inadequação de vitamina B12. Por outro lado, gestantes que fizeram a primeira refeição tarde e a última cedo (RP:4,74; IC95% 1,50-15,04), e as que fizeram a primeira e a última refeição tarde (RP:4,31; IC95% 1,37; 13,58), tiveram maior prevalência de inadequação no número de refeições. Conclusão: As gestantes que fazem refeições mais tarde tem maior prevalência de inadequação de vitamina B12 e de fazer ≤3refeições durante o dia em relação as que fazem refeições mais cedo. Desta forma, reforça-se a necessidade de abordagem sobre os horários das refeições e a nutrição durante a atenção pré-natal.

Avaliação da distorção da imagem corporal e insatisfação corporal dos estudantes e profissionais de saúde

Lays Fernanda Soares Lopes, Hillary Nascimento Coletro, Nathália Sernizon Guimarães, Larissa Oliveira Chaves, Fernanda de Carvalho Vidigal, Josefina Bressan, Júlia Cristina Cardoso Carraro
Demetra: Alimentação, Nutrição e Saúde, v. 17, p.1-16

Resumo: Introdução: Os distúrbios alimentares são síndromes comportamentais que têm uma etiologia multifatorial envolvendo fatores genéticos, psicológicos e socioculturais. A preocupação com a imagem corporal e, como consequência, a maior incidência de distúrbios alimentares, tornou-se um grande fardo entre os profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Avaliar a distorção e insatisfação da imagem corporal e o risco de distúrbios alimentares. Métodos: Estudo transversal, com 225 profissionais e estudantes dos últimos dois anos de cursos da área de saúde, de um município da Região Sudeste do Brasil. A distorção da imagem corporal e a insatisfação corporal foram medidas pela escala de silhuetas e comparadas com o índice de massa corporal real. O risco de distúrbios alimentares foi avaliado por meio do Teste de Atitude Alimentar (EAT-26). Resultados: A prevalência da distorção da imagem corporal no nível “percepção de
ver-se maior” foi de 76,89%; 52,00% dos participantes desejavam perder peso, com a maior prevalência entre as mulheres (78,63%). Alguns fatores foram determinantes para estes resultados, entre eles, ser do sexo feminino, ter excesso de gordura corporal, maior circunferência da cintura e IMC. Ao avaliar o risco de desenvolver transtorno alimentar, os profissionais que se viam menores do que realmente são (20,51%) e aqueles que estavam satisfeitos com sua imagem corporal (22,64%) tinham o maior risco. Conclusão: Distorção e insatisfação com a imagem corporal foram altamente prevalentes entre os profissionais de saúde, especialmente os nutricionistas. A circunferência da cintura acima ou igual a 94 cm para homens e 80 cm para mulheres e o IMC elevado aumentaram as chances de distorção e insatisfação
da imagem corporal.

Avaliação da segurança alimentar, estado nutricional e percepção em relação ao uso de agrotóxicos na produção de alimentos

Elizangela da Silva Miguel, Davi Lopes do Carmo, Sílvia Oliveira Lopes, Ricardo Henrique Silva Santos, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Luiza Carla Vidigal Castro, Glauce Dias da Costa, Silvia Eloiza Priore
Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, v.29, p.1-13

Resumo: A insegurança alimentar no meio rural é muito presente. Destaca-se ainda as mudanças de hábitos alimentares que podem afetar o estado nutricional e o crescente uso de agrotóxicos. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a situação de segurança alimentar de agricultores familiares, estado nutricional e percepção em relação ao uso de agrotóxicos na produção de alimentos. O estudo foi realizado com 48 agricultores familiares, sendo coletadas informações referentes ao estado nutricional, disponibilidade domiciliar de alimentos e consumo alimentar. Além destes pontos, avaliou-se a percepção dos agricultores sobre o uso de agrotóxicos. A segurança alimentar foi avaliada pela disponibilidade de alimentos e o consumo alimentar pelo Questionário de Frequência de Consumo Alimentar. A Análise de Conteúdo foi mobilizada para avaliação da percepção do uso de agrotóxicos. Os resultados indicaram que 89,6% dos agricultores estavam em situação de segurança alimentar quanto às perspectivas da disponibilidade de alimentos, contudo 54,2% apresentam distrofia nutricional. Verificou-se ainda que menos de 50% dos agricultores familiares consumiam frutas e hortaliças todo dia, enquanto que 80% consumiam açúcares e doces diariamente. Utilizavam agrotóxicos na produção de alimentos, 75% dos agricultores, sendo que destes cerca de 70% relataram não consumir os alimentos produzidos. O Índice de Massa Corporal elevado apresentou associação com uso atual de agrotóxicos (p=0,046). Ainda, 85,4% dos agricultores afirmaram que os agrotóxicos impactam na saúde, com predomínio da percepção de riscos relacionada à manifestação de doenças. Conclui-se que se faz necessária a conscientização dos agricultores sobre a alimentação e ações voltadas para os riscos da exposição aos agrotóxicos.

Beneficial effects of butyrate on brain functions: A view of epigenetic

Gabriela de Cássia Ávila Alpino, Gabriela Amorim Pereira, Mariana de Moura e Dias, Aline Silva de Aguiar,
Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, v.2022, p.1-10
Fator de impacto: 11.176

Resumo: Brain functions are influenced by the presence, activity, and metabolism of the gut microbiota through the gut-microbiota-brain (GMB) axis. The consumption of a fiber-rich diet increases the content of short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) from bacterial fermentation in the colon. Among SCFAs, butyrate stands out because of its wide array of biological functions, such as ability to influence brain functions. Pharmacologically, sodium butyrate (NaB) regulates gene expression in the brain, where it has several beneficial effects ranging from neurodegenerative diseases to behavioral disorders through inhibitors of histone deacetylases (HDACis). In this context, we review the mechanisms of action of the two types of butyrate on brain functions, with an emphasis on the epigenetic approach. Both types of butyrate are potentially interesting for the prevention and adjuvant therapy of neurological and psychological disorders due to their neuroprotective functions. However, further studies are needed to investigate the possible neuroepigenetic effects of butyrate derived from bacterial fermentation

Black corn (Zea mays L.) flour has the potential to improve the gut microbiota composition and goblet cell proliferation in mice fed a high-fat diet

Thaisa Agrizzi Verediano, Cintia Sant’Ana, Mariana Grancieri, Elad Tako, Maria Cristina Dias Paes, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
Nutrition Research, v.108, p. 60-72
Fator de impacto: 3.315

Resumo: High-fat diets are associated with intestinal dysbiosis and leaky gut leading to intestinal inflammation. Bioactive components, including phenolic compounds, isolated or in their original food matrix, have alleviated intestinal impairments promoted by a high-fat diet. Black corn (Zea mays L.) is a colored corn in which anthocyanins are the most abundant bioactive compound. Thus, we hypothesized that black corn flour may have preventive effects on poor intestinal health in mice fed a high-fat diet. To study this, 30 C57BL/6 mice were randomly divided into 3 experimental groups receiving the following diets for 8 weeks: normal control (fed a normal diet); high-fat (fed a high-fat diet: 60% of calories from fat); high-fat corn (fed a high-fat diet added with 20% of black corn whole flour). The cecal microbiota analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA sequencing showed that black corn flour intake increased the relative abundance of Ruminococcus, Roseburia, and Prevotellaceae_UCG-001, and decreased Bacteroides and Faecalibaculum. No difference was observed in the cecal short-chain fatty acids and fecal pH among the experimental groups (P > .05). Further, the consumption of black corn flour improved cecal morphology by increasing the number of goblet cells but with no difference in the crypt depth and width. These findings suggest that black corn flour as a source of anthocyanins could have preventive effects on gut dysbiosis resulting from a high-fat diet. SCFA, short chain fatty acids

Black corn (Zea mays L.) whole flour improved the antioxidant capacity and prevented adipogenesis in mice fed a high-fat diet

Thaisa Agrizzi Verediano, Cintia Tomaz Sant’ Ana, Mariana Grancieri, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Maria Cristina Dias Paes, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
Food & Function, v. 13, p. 5590-5601
Fator de impacto: 5.396

Resumo: Black corn (Zea mays L.) is a source of anthocyanins, which have shown the ability to reduce metabolic disorders. This study investigated the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-adipogenic preventive effects of black corn. C57BL/6 mice were divided into 3 groups (n = 10): normal control (NC): AIN-93 M; high-fat diet (HF); HF + corn (20%) (HFC). Black corn improved the antioxidant status, through the superoxide dismutase hepatic levels and serum total antioxidant capacity. Animals fed an HFC diet showed decreased gene expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) and increased gene expression of adiponectin and lipoprotein lipase in the adipose tissue, which led to a less inflammatory infiltrate and decreased the adipocyte number and length. In the liver, black corn reduced the gene expression of SREBP-1c and acetyl CoA carboxilase 1. Therefore, black corn whole flour improved the antioxidant capacity, contributed to hepatic β-oxidation, and decreased adipogenesis in animals.

Black corn (Zea mays L.) soluble extract showed anti-inflammatory effects and improved the intestinal barrier integrity in vivo (Gallus gallus)

Thaisa Agrizzi Verediano, Hércia Stampini Duarte, Nikolai Kolba, Yimin Fu, Maria Cristina Dias Paes, Elad Tako
Food Research International, v.157, p. 1-12
Fator de impacto: 6.475

Resumo: Black corn (Zea mays L.) is a pigmented type of this cereal whose color of the kernels is attributed to the presence of the anthocyanins. In this study, we assessed the black corn soluble extract (BCSE) effects on the intestinal functionality, morphology, and microbiota composition using an in vivo model (Gallus gallus) by an intraamniotic
administration. The eggs were divided into four groups (n = 6–10): (1) No Injection; (2) 18 MΩ H2O/cm; (3) 5% (5 mg/mL) BCSE; (4) 15% (15 mg/mL) BCSE. The BCSE showed anti-inflammatory effects bydown regulating the gene expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL6), and the transcriptional nuclear factor kappa beta (NF-κB). Further, the BCSE increased the relative abundance of E. coli and Clostridium. 5% and 15% BCSE increased the hepatic glycogen and upregulated the gene expression of sodiumglucose transport protein (SGLT1). In the morphology, 5% and 15% BCSE increased the goblet cell (GC) number on the crypt, the GC size on the villi, Paneth cell number on the crypt, and the acid GC. Further, the BCSE strengthened the epithelial physical barrier through upregulating the intestinal biomarkers AMP- activated protein kinase (AMPK) and caudal-related homeobox transcriptional factor 2 (CDX2). The overall result suggests that the BCSE promotes intestinal anti-inflammatory effects as well as enhances the intestinal barrier function.

Brazil and cashew nuts intake improve body composition and endothelial health in women at cardiometabolic risk (Brazilian Nuts Study): a randomised controlled trial

Ana Paula Silva Caldas, Daniela Mayumi Usuda Prado, Ana Paula Dionísio, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Josefina Bressan
British Journal of Nutrition, v. 2022, p.1-11
Fator de impacto: 3.718

Resumo: Several mechanisms have been proposed for the beneficial effect of nuts on health. However, Brazil and cashew nuts remain the least studied. We aim to evaluate the effect of these nuts within an energy-restricted diet on body weight, body composition, cardiometabolic markers, and endothelial function in cardiometabolic risk women. Brazilian nuts study is a randomized controlled parallel 8-week dietary intervention trial. Forty women were randomly allocated to 1) Control group: Energy-restricted diet without nuts, n= 19 or, 2) Brazil and cashew nuts group (BN-Group): Energy-restricted diet containing daily 45 g of nuts (15 g of Brazil nuts + 30g of cashew nuts), n= 21. At the beginning and final intervention, anthropometry, body composition, and blood pressure were measured. Fasting blood sampling was obtained to evaluate lipid profile, glucose homeostasis, and endothelial function markers. After 8-week, plasma selenium concentration increased in BN-group (∆ = + 31.5 ± 7.8 μg/L; p= 0.001). Brazil and cashew nuts intake reduced total body fat (-1.3 ± 0.4 %) parallel to improvement of lean mass percentage in BN-group compared to the control. Besides, the soluble adhesion molecule VCAM-1 decreased (24.03 ± 15.7 pg/mL vs. -22.2 ± 10.3 pg/mL; p= 0.019) after Brazil and cashew nuts intake compared to the control. However, lipid and glucose profile markers, apolipoproteins, and blood pressure remained unchanged after the intervention. Thus, the addition of Brazil and cashew nuts to an energy-restricted diet can be a healthy strategy to improve body composition, selenium status, and endothelial inflammation in cardiometabolic risk women.

Can avocado intake improve weight loss in adults with excess weight? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Aline Rosignoli Conceição, Gabriela Macedo Fraiz, Daniela Mayumi Usuda Prado Rocha, Josefina Bressan
Nutrition Research, v.102, p.45-58
Fator de impacto: 3.315

Resumo: The effect of avocado (Persea Americana) on weight loss in people with excess body weight remains unclear. Therefore, we aimed to test our hypothesis that the intake of avocado pulp may be a good strategy for improving anthropometric parameters and, consequently, metabolic health. For this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched MEDLINE/PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) for studies published between database inception and July 2021. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) assessing avocado intake on anthropometric parameters (primary outcome) and metabolic parameters (secondary outcomes) were included. Evidence from RCTs were synthesized as differences between standardized mean differences (SMDs) for change in body weight and body composition, comparing the experimental avocado group with control via random-effects meta-analyses. The risk of bias followed the Joanna Briggs Institute Reviewer’s Manual. From 781 records identified, 8 studies with 657 individuals were included. No significant changes in body weight, body mass index, percent of body fat, or visceral adipose tissue in response to intervention was seen in the avocado group compared with the control group. Also, the pooled results showed no reduction in body weight and composition (SMD = 0.09; 95% confidence interval, 0.06-0.25; P= .25; I2 = 0%) of avocado in comparison to control. Secondary outcomes showed some potential benefits in metabolic parameters, mainly related to lipid profile. Regardless, consumption of avocado did not promote weight gain, and further studies are needed to elucidate this effect.

Características maternas e infantis correlacionadas à frequência do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados por crianças de 6 a 24 meses

Marcela Martins Soares, Andreia Queiroz Ribeiro, Patrícia Feliciano Pereira, Sylvia Carmo Castro Franceschini, Raquel Maria Amaral Araújo
Revista  Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil,v. 22, p.365-373

Resumo: Objetivos: verificar a correlação do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados de mães e filhos menores de dois anos de idade e as principais características relacionadas a este consumo. Métodos:
estudo transversal conduzido nos serviços públicos de saúde. Aplicaram-se três recordatórios de 24 horas para avaliar o consumo alimentar. Os alimentos ultraprocessados foram agrupados em: bebidas açucaradas; carnes; molhos e cremes; lácteos; lanches; massas; e mucilagens. Calculou-se o Índice de Massa Corporal e a relação cintura/quadril da mãe, índice peso/estatura, estatura/idade, peso/idade e índice de massa corporal/idade da criança. Correlacionou-se a frequência de ultraprocessados na alimentação das crianças com: variáveis antropométricas da díade; frequência de ultraprocessados na alimentação materna. Comparou-se a média do consumo de ultraprocessados das crianças com uso de chupeta, mamadeira, aleitamento materno e condição socioeconômica. Modelos de regressão linear foram conduzidos. Resultados: avaliou-se 172 pares. Foi verificada semelhança no consumo de ultraprocessados de mães e filhos. A maior frequência de ultraprocessados correlacionou-se a maior idade da criança e ao maior índice de massa corporal/idade e índice peso/idade. Dos 39 alimentos ultraprocessados presentes na alimentação das mães, 22 correlacionaram com os da criança. Conclusão:
o consumo de ultraprocessados pelas crianças se assemelha ao das mães e correlacionase com maiores valores dos índices peso/idade e índice de massa corporal/idade.

Caracterização e compostos bioativos do óleo e farinhas orgânicas de semente de uva Bordeaux (Vitis labrusca L

Soraia Silva Pinheiro Caetano, Mariana de Moura e Dias, Augusto César Fonseca Sobreira, Abigail Brandão Barroso, Helena Maria Pinheiro-Sant’Ana, Ceres Mattos Della Lucia, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino, Pamella Cristine Anunciação, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
Research, Society and Development, v. 11, p. 1-14

Resumo: A variedade de uva Bordeaux é a mais utilizada na produção de sucos tintos. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar carotenóides, flavonóides, vitaminas C, E e do complexo B, ácidos graxos totais, fitatos, taninos, capacidade antioxidante, compostos fenólicos totais e composição centesimal em uvas Bordeaux inteiras (W) e desengorduradas (D), e em farinhas e óleo (O). Os ácidos graxos totais foram avaliados por cromatografia gasosa (detector de ionização de chama). As análises das vitaminas E e do complexo B foram realizadas por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (HPLC) (detecção de fluorescência). Vitamina C, carotenóides e flavonóides foram avaliados por HPLC (detecção de matriz de diodos). A composição de ácidos graxos apresentou o padrão: C18:2>C18:1>C16:0>C18:0. W e D apresentaram maiores concentrações de vitaminas do complexo B do que O. W apresentou a maior concentração de luteína e carotenóides totais, seguido de O e D. O apresentou aumento de vitamina E e menores níveis de flavonóides e capacidade antioxidante. Os diferentes produtos de uva afetaram à ocorrência e concentração de compostos bioativos.

Ceftriaxone causes dysbiosis and changes intestinal structure in adjuvant obesity treatment

Sandra Aparecida dos Reis Louzano, Mariana de Moura e Dias, Lisiane Lopes da Conceição, Tiago Antônio de Oliveira Mendes, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
Pharmacological Reports v. 74, p. 111–123
Fator de impacto: 3.024

Resumo: Background: Obesity is still a worldwide public health problem, requiring the development of adjuvant therapies to combat it. In this context, modulation of the intestinal microbiota seems prominent, given that the composition of the intestinal microbiota contributes to the outcome of this disease. The aim of this work is to investigate the treatment with an antimicrobial and/or a potential probiotic against overweight. Methods: Male C57BL/6J mice were subjected to a 12-week overweight induction protocol. After that, 4-week treatment was started, with mice divided into four groups: control, treated with distilled water; potential probiotic, with Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12; antimicrobial, with ceftriaxone; and antimicrobial + potential probiotic with ceftriaxone in the first 2 weeks and L. gasseri LG-G12 in the subsequent weeks. Results: The treatment with ceftriaxone in isolated form or in combination with the potential probiotic provided a reduction in body fat. However, such effect is supposed to be a consequence of the negative action of ceftriaxone on the intestinal microbiota composition, and this intestinal dysbiosis may have contributed to the destruction of the intestinal villi structure, which led to a reduction in the absorptive surface. Also, the effects of L. gasseri LG-G12 apparently have been masked by the consumption of the high-fat diet. Conclusions: The results indicate that the use of a ceftriaxone in the adjuvant treatment of overweight is not recommended due to the potential risk of developing inflammatory bowel disease.

Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Flour and Oil Ameliorate Metabolic Disorders in the Liver of Rats Fed a High-Fat and High Fructose Diet

Luiza de Paula Dias Moreira, Bárbara Nery Enes, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Luiz Carlos Maia Ladeira, Rodrigo Rezende Cardoso, Vinícius da Silva Duarte, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Frederico Augusto Ribeiro de Barros, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
Foods, v.11, p.1-18
Fator de impacto: 4.350

Resumo: We hypothesized that the consumption of chia (Salvia hispanica L.) flour (CF) and chia oil (CO) improves metabolic disorders in the liver of Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus domestica) fed a high-fat and high-fructose (HFHF) diet. The animals were fed a HFHF diet (n = 30) or AIN93-M standard diet (n = 10) for eight weeks. After this period, the animals fed HFHF were divided into three groups (n = 10): HFHF diet, HFHF plus 14.7% of CF, and HFHF plus 4% of CO. Histological and biochemical analyses, gene expression, protein levels related to inflammation, and oxidative stress were evaluated in the liver. The HFHF diet caused lipogenesis, liver steatosis, oxidative stress, and inflammation in the animals. The CF and CO intake increased the liver total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase, decreased nitric oxide levels and liver steatosis. Furthermore, the CF and CO led to the upregulation of Cpt1a and Adipor2, respectively, whereas CF downregulated Srebf1. CO intake decreased blood glucose, triglycerides, and the animals’ body weight. Chia did not show effects on mitigating liver pro-inflammatory status, which it may indicate occurs later. The addition of chia into an unbalanced diet is a good and relevant strategy to reduce liver metabolic disorders caused by the high consumption of fructose and saturated fat.

Competência cognitiva: comparando a aprendizagem entre sala de aula tradicional e sala de aula ativa

Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta, Emily de Souza Ferreira, Rogério Elias Gomes do Prado, Samantha Bicalho de Oliveira Cavalier, Glauce Dias da Costa, Tiago Ricardo Moreira
Revista Internacional de Educação e Saúde, v.6, p.1-16

Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: O novo perfil do aluno tem exigido novos formatos de ensino e aprendizagem, com saberes interligados a partir de uma prática pedagógica alicerçada na reflexão. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar como os alunos avaliam o que aprenderam utilizando o Mapa Conceitual associado à Sala de Aula Invertida no processo de ensino, aprendizagem e avaliação em comparação com a Sala de Aula Tradicional. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 90 alunos de uma universidade pública do Brasil nos anos de 2016 a 2018. Para a coleta de dados os autores utilizaram um instrumento de alta confiabilidade baseado na escala Likert de 4 pontos contendo questões referentes às competências a serem desenvolvidas pelos alunos. O teste de normalidade de Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi realizado e o teste de Wilcoxon foi utilizado para identificar as diferenças entre os dois métodos. O nível de significância foi de 5%. RESULTADOS: A média atribuída a cada um dos dois métodos investigados foi significativamente maior (p <0,001) no Mapa Conceitual com Sala de Aula Invertida (3,38) do que na Sala de Aula Tradicional (2,75). CONCLUSÕES: Enquanto o Mapa Conceitual favorece o processo de aprendizagem significativa com compreensão, integração e assimilação dos conteúdos de forma autônoma e corresponsável pelos alunos, a Sala de Aula Tradicional baseia-se na memorização passiva dos conteúdos ministrada pelos professores. Por isso, sugere-se que, o Mapa Conceitual com Sala de Aula Invertida na percepção dos alunos, foi mais eficaz quando comparado à Sala de Aula Tradicional, por proporcionar a assimilação, interpretação e integração dos conteúdos.

Composição química, vitaminas e minerais do biribiri (Averrhoa bilimbi L.) da agricultura familiar da região do Médio Rio Doce, Minas Gerais, Brasil

Jéssica Nunes Ferreira, Helena Maria Pinheiro-Sant’Ana, Ceres Mattos Della Lucia, Reinaldo Duque Brasil Landulfo Teixeira, Leandro de Morais Cardoso
Ciência Rural, v.53, p. 1-9

Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as características físicas, a composição química, teor de vitamina C, vitamina E, carotenoides e minerais em frutos de biribiri (Averrhoa bilimbi) do território do Médio Rio Doce (Minas Gerais, Brasil). A acidez titulável foi determinada por neutralização volumétrica, o pH por potenciometria direta, os sólidos solúveis por refratometria, a umidade por gravimetria, as cinzas por calcinação em mufla, as proteínas pelo método micro-Kjeldahl, as fibras alimentares pelo método gravimétrico não enzimático e os lipídios usando um extrator Soxhlet. Os carotenoides e a vitamina C foram analisados por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). A vitamina E foi analisada por CLAE com detector de fluorescência e quatorze minerais foram analisados por espectrometria de emissão atômica com plasma indutivamente acoplado. O biribiri apresentou alto rendimento de porção comestível (100%), baixos teores de lipídios, proteínas e carboidratos e, consequentemente, baixo valor total de energia (25,36 kcal 100 g-1). Os frutos também apresentaram baixos teores de fibra alimentar (0,62 g 100 g-1), vitamina E total (17,62 µg 100 g-1), carotenoides totais (0,32 g 100 g-1) e altos teores de vitamina C, zinco, cobre, ferro, manganês, molibdênio e conteúdo cromado. Em relação aos metais pesados, os frutos não apresentaram cádmio e tiveram vestígios de alumínio e níquel. Em conclusão, o biribiri apresentou baixo valor energético e conteúdos expressivos de fibras alimentares, vitamina C, ferro, manganês, molibdênio, cromo, zinco e cobre.

Cooked common bean flour, but not its protein hydrolysate, has the potential to improve gut microbiota composition and function in BALB/c mice fed a high-fat diet added with 6-propyl-2-thiouracil

Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Juliana Soares da Silva, Natalia Elizabeth Galdino Alves, Andressa de Assis, Elvira Gonzalez de Mejía, Hilário Cuquetto Mantovani, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, v.106, p.1-13
Fator de impacto: 6.048

Resumo: Common bean has the potential to improve gut microbiota function due to its chemical composition and content of dietary fiber. This study evaluated the effect of cooked common bean (CCB) flour and its protein hydrolysate as part of a high-fat diet (HFD) added with 6-propyl-2-thiouracil (10 mg/kg/d), an inhibitor of thyroid hormone synthesis, on gut health of BALB/c mice. Forty-eight adult mice were divided into four groups: normal control; HFD; HFD plus CCB flour (346.6 g/kg of diet) (HFBF group) and HFD plus CCB protein hydrolysate (700 mg/Kg/d) (HFPH group). HFBF, but not HFPH, increased cecum weight, and the moisture, and lipids in the excreted feces, compared to control groups. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of the cecal microbiota indicated changes in the beta-diversity between the HFBF and HFPH groups, compared to the normal control. The abundance of Bacteroidetes increased and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio decreased in the HFBF compared to control groups. However, HFPH was not able to prevent the damage caused by a HFD to the gut bacterial communities. The OTUs enriched by HFBF were mainly assigned to members of the Muribaculaceae family, which shows potential to improve gut health. The intake of CCB flour improved intestinal health and modulated the composition and function of the cecal microbiota, attenuating the effects of the HFD, added wit 6-propyl-2-thiouracil, when fed to BALB/c mice.

Correlation Between Drinking Water and Iodine Status: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Francilene Maria Azevedo, Almeida Abudo Leite Machamba, Aline Carare Candido, Carina Aparecida Pinto, Sílvia Oliveira Lopes, Mariana de Souza Macedo, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Silvia Eloiza Priore, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini
Biological Trace Element Research, v. 2022, p. 1-10
Fator de impacto: 3.738

Resumo: Iodine is a micronutrient essential for maintaining normal body functioning, and the consumption depends on the distribution in the environment, and insufficient or excessive intake results in thyroid dysfunction. The purpose of this review was to evaluate the correlation between iodine concentration in drinking water and the iodine status of the population. The systematic review was conducted following the PRISMA guidelines and was registered at the International Prospective Register of Ongoing Systematic Reviews (CRD42019128308). A literature search was conducted using MEDLINE/PUBMED (National Library of Medicine), LILACS (Latin-American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences), and Cochrane Library, June 2021. The quality of the studies was assessed by a checklist for cross-sectional studies developed by Joanna Briggs Institute. The initial search identified 121 articles, out of which ten were included in this systematic review, and five were included in the meta-analysis. Among the articles listed, six adopted cutoff points to classify the iodine content in the drinking water. The study identified median iodine concentration in drinking water from 2.2 to 617.8 μg/L and the correlation between iodine concentration in drinking water and urinary iodine concentration was 0.92, according to meta-analysis. Furthermore, the iodine status was correlated to the iodine content in water. The determination of a cutoff point can contribute to the implementation of iodine consumption control measures.

Curcumin-Added Whey Protein Positively Modulates Skeletal Muscle Inflammation and Oxidative Damage after Exhaustive Exercise

Kelly Aparecida Dias, Aline Rosignoli da Conceição, Stephanie Michelin Santana Pereira, Lívya Alves Oliveira, João Vitor da Silva Rodrigues, Roberto Sousa Dias, Sérgio Oliveira de Paula, Antônio José Natali, Sérgio Luis Pinto da Matta, Reggiani Vilela Gonçalves, Elad Tako, Hercia Stampini Duarte Martino, Ceres Mattos Della Lucia
Nutrients, v.14, p. 1-17

Resumo: Background: Exhaustive exercise can induce muscle damage. The consumption of nutritional compounds with the ability to positively influence the oxidative balance and an exacerbated inflammatory process has been previously studied. However, little is known about the nutritional value of curcumin (CCM) when mixed with whey protein concentrate (WPC). This study was developed to evaluate the effect of CCM-added WPC on inflammatory and oxidative process control and histopathological consequences in muscle tissue submitted to an exhaustive swimming test (ET). (2) Methods: 48 animals were randomly allocated to six groups (n = 8). An ET was performed 4 weeks after the start of the diet and animals were euthanized 24 h post ET. (3) Results: WPC + CCM and CCM groups reduced IL-6 and increased IL-10 expression in muscle tissue. CCM reduced carbonyl protein after ET compared to standard AIN-93M ET and WPC + CCM ET diets. Higher nitric oxide concentrations were observed in animals that consumed WPC + CCM and CCM. Consumption of WPC + CCM or isolated CCM reduced areas of inflammatory infiltrate and fibrotic tissue in the muscle. (4) Conclusions: WPC + CCM and isolated CCM contribute to the reduction in inflammation and oxidative damage caused by the exhaustive swimming test.

Digested protein from chia seed (Salvia hispanica L) prevents obesity and associated inflammation of adipose tissue in mice fed a high-fat diet

Mariana Grancieri, Thaisa Agrizzi Verediano, Cintia Tomaz Sant’Ana, Andressa de Assis, Renata Lopes Toledo, Elvira Gonzalez de Mejia, Hercia Stampini Duarte Martino
PharmaNutrition,v. 21, p.1-11

Resumo: Background and aim: Overweight and obesity are associated with the development of several health complications, such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease. Chia seed is a rich source of proteins and peptides with potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of digested proteins (DP) from chia seed to prevent adipogenesis and adipose tissue inflammation in mice fed a high-fat diet. Methods and results: C57Bl/6 black mice were fed a high-fat diet plus DP (400 mg/kg of body/day) for 9 weeks. DP from chia seed reduced levels of plasma total cholesterol (−17.5%), LDL (−42.8%), triacylglycerides (−12.3%), % body fat (−26.98%), and waist circumference (−5.5%) in obese mice (p < 0.05). Furthermore, treatment with DP reduced (p < 0.05) adipocytes area, foci of inflammation, levels of p-NF-κB p65, PPARγ, mRNA SREBP1 (sterol regulatory element-binding transcription), and TNF-α. DP also increased mRNA adiponectin on adipose tissue in animals DP-treated, compared with no-DP-treated animals. However, mRNA LPL and HDL levels were not changed (p > 0.05). The peptides from DP had in silico high interaction with metalloproteinase-2. Conclusions: When using this experimental model, DP from chia seed had an anti-inflammatory and anti-adipogenic effect. These results suggest the effectiveness of digested proteins from chia seed against central obesity and its associated inflammation.

Disponibilidade de estabelecimentos de venda de alimentos no entorno de escolas brasileiras

Taiane Gonçalves Novaes, Larissa Loures Mendes, Luciene Fátima Fernandes Almeida, Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro, Bruna Vieira de Lima Costa, Rafael Moreira Claro, Milene Cristine Pessoa
Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, v. 27, p.2373-2383
Fator de impacto: 1.336

Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a disponibilidade de estabelecimentos de venda de alimentos no território das escolas. Estudo ecológico conduzido em Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brasil, com todas as escolas (N=42) e estabelecimentos de venda de alimentos (N=656). Dados foram coletados através de avaliação objetiva do ambiente, e estabelecimentos foram categorizados em saudáveis, não saudáveis, mistos e supermercados. Função K de Ripley bivariada avaliou a existência de agrupamento das categorias de estabelecimentos no território das escolas. Todas as escolas tinham no mínimo um estabelecimento de venda de alimentos em seu território. Estabelecimentos não saudáveis foram mais frequentes e próximos das escolas. Havia mais estabelecimentos no entorno de escolas particulares com ensino médio, localizadas na região central e de maior tercil de renda per capita. A função K de Ripley bivariada evidenciou o agrupamento de estabelecimentos em todas as distâncias analisadas (400 a 1,5 km), com três vezes mais estabelecimentos do que o esperado em uma distribuição aleatória. Portanto, escolares provavelmente estavam expostos a um ambiente alimentar não saudável, independentemente da renda da vizinhança e da localização das escolas, o que pode contribuir para escolhas alimentares inadequadas.

Does dietary fat affect advanced glycation end products and their receptors? A systematic review of clinical trials

Nélia Pinheiro Mendes, Priscila Vaz de Melo Ribeiro, Rita de Cássia Gonçalves Alfenas
Nutrition Reviews, v.80, p. 598-612

Resumo: Context: Dietary fat seems to affect advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and their receptors. This systematic review assesses studies that evaluated the effect of dietary fat on markers of glycation. Objective: The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the effect of dietary fat on markers of glycation and to explore the mechanisms involved. Data Sources: This study was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Cochrane, and Scopus databases were searched, using descriptors related to dietary fat, AGEs, and the receptors for AGEs. Study Selection: Studies were selected independently by the 3 authors. Divergent decisions were resolved by consensus. All studies that evaluated the effects of the quantity and quality of dietary fat on circulating concentrations of AGEs and their receptors in adults and elderly adults with or without chronic diseases were included. Initially, 9 studies met the selection criteria. Data Extraction: Three authors performed data extraction independently. Six studies were included. Results: Consumption of a Mediterranean diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and low in dietary AGEs reduced serum concentrations of AGEs, reduced expression of the receptor for AGE (RAGE), and increased expression of the AGE receptor 1 (AGER1) when compared with consumption of a Western diet rich in saturated fatty acids and dietary AGEs. Supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) resulted in decreased concentrations of fluorescent AGEs and decreased expression of RAGE as well as increased expression of AGER1. Conclusions: Increased consumption of MUFAs and omega-3 PUFAs and reduced consumption of saturated fatty acids seem to be effective strategies to beneficially affect glycation markers, which in turn may prevent and control chronic diseases.

Effect of chia flour associated with high fat diet on intestinal health in female ovariectomized Wistar rats

Marcella Duarte Villas Mishima, Bárbara Pereira da Silva, Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Carlos Eduardo Real Pereira, Neuza Maria Brunoro Costa, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
European Journal of Nutrition, v.22, p.1-15

Resumo: Purpose: The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of chia flour associated with a high fat diet on intestinal health in female ovariectomized Wistar rats. Methods: The study was conducted with 32 adult female ovariectomized Wistar rats, which were separated into four groups: standard diet (ST), standard diet with chia (STC), high fat diet (HF) and high fat diet with chia (HFC) for 18 weeks. Cecum content pH, short chain fatty acid content, brush border membrane functionality and morphology and the gut microbiota were evaluated. Results: This study demonstrated that the consumption of chia flour increased the production of acetic and butyric acids, the longitudinal and circular muscle layers and crypt thickness. It also improved the expression of aminopeptidase (AP) and sucrose-isomaltase (SI) and decreased the cecum content pH. Further, the consumption of chia improved richness and decreased diversity of the microbiota. Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) clustering indicated difference between the ST and STC groups. In the linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe) analysis, the Bacteroides genus and members of the Muribaculaceae and Lachnospiraceae families were enriched in the STC treatment group. The STC group demonstrated the enrichment of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) metabolic pathways related to peptidoglycan and coenzyme A biosynthesis. Conclusion:
Our results suggest that chia flour, which is rich in dietary fiber and phenolic compounds, presented potential properties to improve intestinal health.

Effect of Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Associated with High-Fat Diet on the Intestinal Health of Wistar Rats

Marcella Duarte Villas Mishima, Bárbara Pereira Da Silva, Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Hilário Cuquetto Mantovani,Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Neuza Maria Brunoro Costa,
Elad Tako, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
Nutrients, v.14, p. 4924-4941

Resumo: A direct correlation has been reported between excessive fat intake and the development and progression of various enteropathies. Plant foods may contain bioactive compounds and non-digestible dietary fiber, with potential to improve intestinal health. Chia is a good source of dietary fiber and bioactive compounds. Our study evaluated the role of chia flour associated with a high-fat diet (HFD) on colon histomorphometry, intestinal functionality and intestinal microbiome composition and function in Wistar rats. The study used 32 young male rats separated into four groups to receive a standard diet (SD) or HFD, with or without chia, for 35 days. At the end of the study, the cecum, cecal content and duodenum were collected. The consumption of chia increased the production of short-chain fatty acids and improved fecal moisture. Chia consumption improved the circular muscle layer in the SD group. The diversity and abundance of intestinal bacteria were not affected, but increased richness was observed in the microbiome of the SD+chia group. Moreover, chia consumption decreased the expression of proteins involved in intestinal functionality. Chia consumption improved intestinal morphology and functionality in young Wistar rats but was insufficient to promote significant changes in the intestinal microbiome in a short term of 35 days.

Effect of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on telomere length and telomerase activity: A systematic review of clinical trials

Alessandra da Silva, Brenda Kelly Souza Silveira, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Walmir da Silva, Josefina Bressan
Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, v. 181, p. 1-8
Fator de impacto: 4.006

Resumo: Evidence suggests antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA). However, the effect of supplementation of this fatty acid profile on the telomere length and the telomerase enzyme activity was not revised yet. The PubMed and Embase® databases were used to search for clinical trials. A total of six clinical trials were revised. Omega-3 PUFA supplementation did not statistically affect telomere length in three out of three studies but affected telomerase activity in two out of four studies. The supplementation increased telomerase enzyme activity in subjects with first-episode schizophrenia. Besides, it decreased telomerase enzyme activity without modulating the effects of Pro12Ala polymorphism on the PPARγ gene in type 2 diabetes subjects. The methodological differences between the studies and the limited number of studies on the theme suggest that further studies are needed to elucidate the effects of n-3 PUFA supplementation on telomere length and telomerase enzyme activity in humans

Effects of dietary fiber on intestinal iron absorption, and physiological status: a systematic review of and clinical studies

Thaisa Agrizzi Verediano, Nikita Agarwal, Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino, Elad Tako
Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, v. 2020. P. 1-16
Fator de impacto: 11.176

Resumo: The benefits of dietary fiber on intestinal health have been well established. However, there is no consensus on the dietary fiber effects on mineral absorption. The objective of this systematic review is to discuss the evidence on the dietary fiber effects on iron absorption and iron status-related biomarkers. A comprehensive search of 3 databases: PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science was carried out. We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, and a total of 32 studies were included with 9 of them clinical studies and 23 in vivo. The studies included assessment of dietary fiber in the form of fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, inulin, pectin, guar gum, oligofructose, xylo-oligosaccharides, and mannan-oligosaccharide. Hemoglobin (n = 21) and fractional iron absorption (n = 6) were the most frequently reported outcomes. The results showed no significant correlations between consumption of dietary fiber to iron absorption/status-related biomarkers. However, the current evidence may not be substantial to invalidate the recommendation of dietary fiber as an agent to improve dietary iron bioavailability, and absorption. In conclusion, there is a need to conduct further clinical trials with long dietary fiber intervention focusing on population at high risk for iron deficiency.

Effects of Regular Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) Consumption on Health: A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials

Alessandra da Silva, Brenda Kelly Souza Silveira, Brenda Vieira Machado de Freitas, Helen Hermana M. Hermsdorff
Foods, v. 11, p. 1-20

Resumo: The Brazil nut (BN) is a promising food due to its numerous health benefits, but it is still necessary to systematically review the scientific evidence on these benefits. Thus, we examined the effects of regular BN consumption on health markers in humans according to the health state (with specific diseases or not) of the subjects. PubMed, Embase®, and Scielo databases were used to search for clinical trials. The PRISMA guideline was used to report the review, and the risk of bias for all studies was assessed. Twenty-four studies were included in the present review, of which fifteen were non-randomized. BNs were consumed in the context of a habitual free-living diet in all studies. Improvement in antioxidant status through increased levels of selenium and/or glutathione peroxidase activity in plasma, serum, whole blood, and/or erythrocytes was observed in all studies that evaluated antioxidant status, regardless of the health state of the sample. In addition, healthy subjects improved lipid markers and fasting glucose. Subjects with obesity had improvement in markers of lipid metabolism. Subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus or dyslipidemia improved oxidative stress or DNA damage. Subjects undergoing hemodialysis benefited greatly from BN consumption, as they improved lipid profile markers, oxidative stress, inflammation, and thyroid function. Older adults with mild cognitive impairment improved verbal fluency and constructional praxis, and controversial results regarding the change in a marker of lipid peroxidation were observed in subjects with coronary artery disease. In conclusion, the benefits of BN consumption were found in different pathways of action and study populations.

Envelhecimento e cuidado: uma experiência no contexto da nutrição

Danúbia Joanes Rosa Guerra, Danielly Nogueira Santos, Jéssica Magalhães Bretas, Bruno Otávio Rodrigues, Maria Sortênia Alves Guimarães, Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro
Revista Elo – Diálogos em Extensão, v.11, p.1-7

Resumo: O aumento da população idosa no Brasil requer a implementação de políticas que promovam um envelhecimento ativo e saudável. Nesse contexto, destacam-se as ações focadas na alimentação saudável, por meio da Educação Alimentar e Nutricional (EAN) como práticas de prevenção e promotoras do autocuidado. O objetivo desse estudo foi relatar a contribuição da Nutrição, por meio da EAN, na promoção do autocuidado para o envelhecimento saudável. O trabalho foi realizado no período de março a dezembro de 2019, com oficinas semanais de EAN, que faziam parte de um programa de atendimento nutricional. Participaram do projeto 13 idosos, com idade média de 69 anos, maioria mulheres. Observaram-se impactos positivos da EAN no cotidiano para além da alimentação saudável, por estimularem o protagonismo e valorizarem a trajetória de vida dos participantes.

Evidence of the Effectiveness of Teaching and Learning Active Methods in Health Courses: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Emily Ferreira, Kíllya Paiva Santos, Glauce Dias da Costa, Tiago Ricardo Moreira, Luíza Delazari Borges, Heloísa Helena Dias, Daniel Souza Santos, Ítalo Augusto Cunha Rodrigues, Mariângela Orlandi Barbiero, Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta
Social innovations Journal, v. 12. P. 1-12

Resumo: Background: This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to estimate the evidence of the effectiveness of the active teaching and learning methods in health majors. Methods: We systematically searched four major databases (i.e., PubMed/MEDLINE, LILACS, Scielo and ERIC). This review was according to the PRISMA method and registration in PROSPERO (CRD42018094054). This review included studies to compare active teaching and learning methods to the traditional methods in the different health majors. We consider all original articles published in the databases until April 29th, 2020. Data were analyzed using R software. The pooled estimates with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were presented using a forest plot. Higgins and Egger’s tests were used to assess heterogeneity and publication bias, respectively. Primary estimates were pooled using a random-effects meta-analysis model. Results: Of the total of 27 identified articles 16 studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in this meta-analysis. The included studies sample size ranged from 18 to 379. The total sample was 4031 undergraduates from four health courses. The combined meta-analysis was 67% (95% CI: 0.13-0.54). Conclusions: Our finding suggested that evidence exists of the effectiveness of the active teaching and learning methods when compared to the traditional methods in the health courses.

Factors Associated with Anemia among Adults and the Elderly Family Farmers

Sílvia Oliveira Lopes, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Dayane de Castro Morais, Elizangela da Silva Miguel, Laís Silveira Gusmão, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Silvia Eloiza Priore
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 19, p.1-10
Fator de imapcto: 3.390

Resumo: The majority of studies on anemia are focused on children and women of reproductive age. Although the disease is a widespread public health problem, studies that include the rural population are scarce. This study determined the prevalence of anemia and associated factors in adults and the elderly living in the rural area of a municipality in Minas Gerais. Twelve rural communities were included. During home visits, hemoglobin levels were measured using a hemoglobinometer to check for the presence or absence of anemia. Additionally, anthropometric data and food insecurity data based on the Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale (EBIA) were collected. A questionnaire about socioeconomic, demographic, and housing conditions was applied. Analyses were performed using the Stata software version 13.0. Spearman correlation and regression analysis logistics were performed (p < 0.05) on 124 families (n = 297 farmers). The prevalence of anemia was 41.1%, being higher among women (55.7%). Additionally, 40.1% of the farmers were food insecure; 52.7% and 80.5% presented excess weight and cardiovascular risk, respectively. Poverty was a reality for 39.7% of individuals. A positive correlation between hemoglobin levels and per capita income was found as well as a negative correlation with EBIA scores and cardiovascular risk. Multivariate analysis showed that individuals experiencing food insecurity, the elderly, and those who do not own a property, were more likely to be anemic. Farmers with per capita income above 1/2 minimum wage were less likely to have anemia. The prevalence of anemia in the group studied was higher than previous studies. The disease is associated with factors that also predispose to food insecurity. The improvement of the determinants of insecurity can contribute to the fight against anemia

Factors associated with normal-weight obesity in adolescentes

Bruna Clemente Cota, Felício Roberto Costa, Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Silvia Eloiza Priore, Eliane Rodrigues de Faria, Franciane Rocha de Faria, Patrícia Feliciano Pereira
British Journal of Nutrition, v. 2022
Fator de impacto: 3.718

Resumo: A new phenotype of obesity has been studied: normal-weight obesity (NWO), which describes individuals with normal-weight by body mass index (BMI) and excess body fat. Despite normal-weight, individuals with NWO have a higher cardiometabolic risk. There is still a gap in the literature on the subject, especially in adolescents, as studies with this population are scarce. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the sociodemographic factors, family history of chronic non-communicable diseases, body perception, lifestyle and food consumption associated with NWO in adolescents. This is a cross-sectional study, conducted with 506 normal-weight adolescents aged 10 to 19 years, of both sexes. Weight and height were obtained and BMI/age was calculated. Body fat analysis was performed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Sociodemographic data, level of physical activity, food consumption, body self-perception and lifestyle habits were also obtained. Logistic regression with hierarchical approach was used to analyze the associations. The odds of NWO are greater with age (OR=1.14; 95% CI=1.04-1.26), lower in male adolescents (OR=0.21; 95% CI=0.11-0.41) and higher in those with a history of familial dyslipidemia (OR=1.81; 95% CI=1.01-3.28). Adolescents satisfied with their body (OR=0.30; 95%CI 0.16-0.56) and physically active (OR=0.44; 95% CI=0.24-0.81) have a lower odds of NWO, compared to the others. In addition, it was observed that the odds of NWO is greater among adolescents who use sweeteners (sugar substitutes) (OR=3.84; 95% CI=1.70-8.65). The factors associated with NWO were female sex, older age, positive family

FADS1 AND FADS2 gene polymorphisms modulate the relationship of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid plasma concentrations in gestational weight gain: a nisami cohort study

Jerusa da Mota Santana, Marcos Pereira, Gisele Queiroz Carvalho, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio, Iúri Drumond Louro, Djanilson Barbosa Dos Santos, Ana Marlucia Oliveira
Nutrients, v.14, p. 1 -13
Fator de impacto: 5.717

Resumo: The polymorphisms of fatty acid desaturase genes FADS1 and FADS2 have been associated with an increase in weight gain. We investigated FADS1 and FADS2 gene polymorphisms and the relation between ω-3 and ω-6 fatty acid plasma concentrations and gestational weight gain. A prospective cohort study of 199 pregnant women was followed in Santo Antônio de Jesus, Brazil. Plasma levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) were measured at baseline and gestational weight gain during the first, second, and third trimesters. Fatty acid recognition was carried out with the aid of gas chromatography. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped using real-time PCR. Statistical analyses included Structural Equation Modelling. A direct effect of FADS1 and FADS2 gene polymorphisms on gestational weight was observed; however, only the SNP rs174575 (FADS2) showed a significant positive direct effect on weight over the course of the pregnancy (0.106; p = 0.016). In terms of the influence of SNPs on plasma levels of PUFAs, it was found that SNP rs174561 (FADS1) and SNP rs174575 (FADS2) showed direct adverse effects on plasma concentrations of ω-3 (eicosapentaenoic acid and alpha-linoleic acid), and only SNP rs174575 had positive direct effects on plasma levels of ARA and the ARA/LA (arachidonic acid/linoleic acid) ratio, ω-6 products, while the SNP rs3834458 (FADS2) had an adverse effect on plasma concentrations of EPA, leading to its increase. Pregnant women who were heterozygous and homozygous for the minor allele of the SNP rs3834458 (FADS2), on the other hand, showed larger concentrations of series ω-3 substrates, which indicates a protective factor for women’s health.

Fat Intake and High Triglyceride-Glucose Index in Individuals at Cardiometabolic Risk: An Isocaloric Substitution Analyses

Susilane Pereira Araújo, Alessandra da Silva, Josefina Bressan, Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Luiza Carla Vidigal Castro, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff
Journal of the American Nutrition Association, v. 2022, p.1-7
Fator de impacto: 3.571

Resumo: Insulin resistance (IR) is an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, and the triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index) is a potential IR biomarker. Evidence also suggests that fat intake may modulate IR status, but this relationship remains unclear. Thus, the present study aimed to analyze the relationship between the TyG index and isocaloric replacement of macronutrients, including the profile of dietary fatty acids in individuals at cardiometabolic risk. This cross-sectional study enrolled 264 individuals at cardiometabolic risk (age 43.1 ± 16.3 years) who participated in a nutritional intervention study (ReBEC, id: RBR-5n4y2g). The baseline demographic, anthropometric, clinical, dietary, and lifestyle data were used. The TyG index was calculated using the formula ln [fasting triglycerides (mg/dL) × fasting plasma glucose (mg/dL)/2]. Multivariate nutrient density models were used to analyze isocaloric replacement of fatty acids (as 5% of energy). The chance of having a high TyG index (TyG index >8.83, median value) was decreased by 60% after replacing 5% of the energy intake of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), saturated fatty acid (SFA), and trans fatty acid (TFA) with monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) or PUFA and SFA with protein. Isocaloric replacement of PUFA, SFA, and TFA with MUFA and protein was associated with lower chances of having a high TyG index. These results indicate the importance of macronutrient and dietary fat profiles in the dietary planning of individuals at cardiometabolic risk.

Food Craving and Its Associated Factors during COVID-19 Outbreak in Brazil

Lívya Alves Oliveira, Ceres Mattos Della Lucia, Fabiane Aparecida Canaan Rezende, Lívia Garcia Ferreira, Lucilene Rezende Anastácio, Tamires Cássia de Melo Souza, Marina Martins Daniel, Juliana Costa Liboredo
American Journal of Health Education, v. 53, p. 207-218

Resumo: Background: Social distancing used as a measure to contain the spread of SARS-CoV-2, led to a series of changes in eating behavior, including food craving. Purpose: We aimed to evaluate food craving and its associated factors among women and men during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online questionnaire was conducted, containing data about food craving and possible associated factors. Results: 1363 individuals were included in the survey. Food craving was shown in 46.0% of the respondents. Among women, increased or reduced weight, working/studying during the pandemic without changes, increased snacking, worsened sleep quality, uncontrolled eating were some factors associated with food craving. For men, some factors associated were having a morning snack, living with parents, reduced sleep hours, and emotional eating. Discussion: Factors associated with food craving varied between men and women, being more present among women. These differences can be related to hormonal differences, way of working, daily tasks, and food preferences. Translation to Health Education Practice: Our findings may be used to develop guidelines for maintaining healthy eating habits in pandemic situations. In addition, the study showcases the need for health educators to consider the qualitative and quantitative aspects of nutrition, which can interfere with increased food cravings.

Germinated millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) flour improved the gut function and its microbiota composition in rats fed with high-fat high-fructose diet

Jaqueline Maciel Vieira Theodoro, Mariana Grancieri, Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Hilário Cuquetto Mantovani, Carlos Wanderlei Piler Carvalho, Bárbara Pereira da Silva, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 19, p. 15217-15231

Resumo: Germinated millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is a source of phenolic compounds that has potential prebiotic action. This study aims at evaluating the action of germinated pearl millet on gut function and its microbiota composition in Wistar rats fed with a high-fat high-fructose (HFHF) diet. In the first stage, lasting eight weeks, the experiment consisted of two groups: AIN-93M (n = 10) and HFHF group (n = 20). In the second stage, which lasted ten weeks, the animals of the AIN-93M group (n = 10) were kept, while the HFHF group was dismembered into HFHF (HFHF diet, n = 10) and HFHF + millet (HFHF added 28.6% of germinated millet flour, n = 10) groups. After the 18th week, the urine of the animals was collected for the analysis of lactulose and mannitol intestinal permeability by urinary excretion. The histomorphometry was analyzed on the proximal colon and the fecal pH, concentration of short-chain fatty acids (SCFA), and sequencing of microbiota were performed in cecum content. The Mothur v.1.44.3 software was used for data analysis of sequencing. Alpha diversity was estimated by Chao1, Shannon, and Simpson indexes. Beta diversity was assessed by PCoA (Principal Coordinate Analysis). The functional predictive analysis was performed with PICRUSt2 software (version 2.1.2−b). Functional traits attributed to normalized OTU abundance were determined by the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG). In the results, germinated millet flour reduced Oscillibacter genus and Desulfobacterota phylum, while increasing the Eggerthellaceae family. Furthermore, germinated millet flour: increased beta diversity, cecum weight, and cecum/body weight ratio; improved gut histological parameters by increasing the depth and thickness of the crypt and the goblet cell count (p < 0.05); reduced (p < 0.05) the fecal pH and mannitol urinary excretion; increased (p < 0.05) the propionate short-chain fatty acid concentration. Thus, germinated millet has the potential to improve the composition of gut microbiota and the intestinal function of rats fed with an HFHF diet.

Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) supplementation increases butyrate synthesis and reduces inflammatory cells, attenuating the formation of aberrant crypt foci in BALB/c mice induced to pre-neoplastic lesions

Andressa Ladeira Bernardes, Luís Fernando de Sousa Moraes, Bruna Cristina dos Santos Cruz, Lisiane Lopes da Conceição, Leandro Licursi de Oliveira, Mariaurea Matias Sarandy, Reggiani Vilela Gonçalves, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
British Journal of Nutrition, v. 2022, p.1-12
Fator de impacto: 3.718

Resumo: The development of colorectal cancer involves some morphological changes, and in the initial stage, pre-neoplastic lesions called aberrant crypt foci (ACF) appear. Thus, an intervention with sources of bioactive compounds such as Hibiscus sabdariffa L., rich in phenolic compounds and anthocyanins, could attenuate the risk of developing these lesions due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 5 % and 10 % supplementation of dehydrated H. sabdariffa calyces (DHSC) during the development of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced pre-neoplastic lesions in male BALB/c mice. The characterisation of DHSC was carried out. The in vivo experiment lasted 12 weeks, and the animals were randomly divided into three experimental groups: the control group (CON) and the supplemented groups with 5 % DHSC and 10 % DHSC. The activities of liver enzymes catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase were determined. In addition, ACF, SCFA, presence of inflammatory infiltrates, goblet cells and leucocytes in the colonic mucosa were quantified. There was a significant reduction in ACF and the presence of inflammatory infiltrates in the colon of animals in groups 5DHSC and 10DHSC. In addition, the 10DHSC group showed an increase in the activity of the CAT enzyme, in the production of butyrate and in the presence of natural killer cells in the colon, in addition to more hypertrophied goblet cells. Based on these findings, it is suggested that DHSC supplementation may be recommended to attenuate cellular responses in the early stage of pre-neoplastic lesions.

Histórico do monitoramento e resultados de pesquisas derivadas do Programa de Análise de Resíduos de Agrotóxicos em Alimentos (PARA): uma Revisão Integrativa

Elizangela da Silva Miguel, Dayane de Castro Moraes, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Silvia Eloiza Priore
Research, Society and Development, v. 11, p.1-14

Resumo: O objetivo desta revisão é fornecer o histórico nacional do monitoramento do Programa de Análise de Resíduos de Agrotóxicos em Alimentos (PARA), bem como analisar as publicações referentes aos dados divulgados pelo PARA. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa norteada pelas perguntas: “Qual a evolução histórica da execução do PARA?” e “Quais resultados relacionados ao Programa têm sido divulgados?” Foram consultados relatórios do Programa correspondentes ao período de 2001 a 2020. A busca de artigos foi realizada nas bases PubMed e Scielo e de Teses e Dissertações, no Catálogo online da Capes. Utilizou-se a combinação dos descritores ‘pesticidas’, ‘resíduos’, ‘alimentos’ e ‘Brasil’ e os correspondentes em inglês. Todos os relatórios do PARA disponibilizados no sítio da Anvisa foram analisados. Já os artigos e Dissertações/Teses foram pré-selecionadas pelos títulos, acompanhadas de leituras dos resumos e posteriormente na íntegra. Os estudos destacam os alimentos que mais apresentaram resíduos de agrotóxicos acima do Limite Máximo de Resíduos (LMR), agrotóxicos proibidos para a cultura e presença de multirresíduos. Desde a implantação do PARA em 2001, até 2019, mais de 50% dos alimentos monitorados continham a presença de resíduos de agrotóxicos. Ao longo dos anos, o Programa aumentou os tipos de alimentos e ingredientes ativos dos agrotóxicos avaliados. Contudo, o que chama mais atenção é a presença de agrotóxicos não autorizados para as culturas e o crescente aumento de resíduos acima do LMR nos alimentos, resultados estes divulgados pelo Programa e estudos afins, despertando para possíveis impactos negativos na saúde da população

Incidence and Associated Factors of Weight Gain During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Marina Martins Daniel, Juliana Costa Liboredo, Lucilene Rezende Anastácio, Tamires Cássia de Melo Souza, Lívya Alves Oliveira, Ceres Mattos Della Lucia, Lívia Garcia Ferreira
Frontiers in Nutrition, v.2022, p.1-11
Fator de impacto: 6.576

Resumo: Introduction and aims: The behavioral changes that arose from quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic may have impacted the weight of people. This study aims to investigate the incidence and predictors of weight gain during the quarantine period. Methods: An online survey was performed five months after the social distance measures implementation. Participants recorded their current and usual weight before lockdown. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed. Results: Data on 1334 participants were evaluated (33.6y, 79.8% females), and 58.8% have gained weight (3.0 kg; 0.1 to 30.0 kg). Predictors of weight gain were increased food intake (OR = 5.40); snacking (OR = 2.86); fast food (OR = 1.11); canned products (OR = 1.08); and in physical activity (OR = 0.99) concerning the period before the pandemic; also time spent at work, including household chores (OR = 1.58); evening snack (OR = 1.54); higher frequency of alcoholic beverage intake (OR = 1.59) and dose of alcoholic beverage (OR = 1.11); uncontrolled eating (OR = 1.01), and vegetable intake (OR = 0.92) during the quarantine and physical activity before pandemic period (OR = 0.99). Conclusion: Most participants have gained weight during the pandemic because of working changes, lifestyle, eating habits changes, and uncontrolled eating behavior. These results can be useful to encourage changes during future quarantine periods to prevent weight gain.

Interaction effect between breakfast skipping and sedentary behavior in the dietary inflammatory potential of Brazilian school-age children

Lara Gomes Suhett, Leidjaira Juvanhol Lopes, Mariane Alves Silva, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Nitin Shivappa, James R Hébert, Juliana Farias de Novaes
Nutrition, v. 2022, p. 1-20
Fator de impacto: 4.008

Resumo: Objectives: Missed nutrients from skipped meals affect diet quality. However, the extent to which breakfast skipping affects the inflammatory potential of a diet, as indicated by Children’s Dietary Inflammatory Index (C-DII) score, remains unknown. We aimed to evaluate the association between breakfast skipping and C-DII score, and investigate the presence of interaction with sociodemographic factors and sedentary behavior. Methods: This representative cross-sectional study enrolled 378 children ages 8 and 9 y from Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil in 2015. We collected sociodemographic data (sex, age, race, and household per-capita income) and screen time using a semistructured questionnaire. Dietary intake and breakfast skipping were evaluated by three 24-h dietary recalls from which energy-adjusted C-DII scores were calculated. We performed linear regression models to test the associations and possible interactions. Results: The prevalence of breakfast skipping and sedentary behavior were 20.1% and 47.6%, respectively. The mean ± standard deviation of the C-DII scores was 0.60 ± 0.94, and ranged from -2.16 (most anti-inflammatory diet) to 2.75 (most proinflammatory diet). Breakfast skipping was associated with a higher intake of lipids, monounsaturated fat, and polyunsaturated fat, as well as lower carbohydrate, calcium, and magnesium intake (P < 0.05). After adjustment, breakfast skippers had higher C-DII scores (β = 0.33; 95% confidence interval, 0.12-0.54). This association was more pronounced in children with sedentary behavior (β = 0.53; 95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.82). Conclusions: Breakfast skipping was associated with a more proinflammatory diet in school-age children, and there was significant interaction with sedentary behavior. Early childhood interventions encouraging the habit of eating a breakfast and engaging in physical activity may help reduce the dietary inflammatory potential and prevent related cardiometabolic disorders.

Iodine Concentration in Drinking Water in the Same or Different Seasons of the Year in Brazilian Macroregions

Carina Aparecida Pinto, Dayane de Castro Morais, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Edimar Aparecida Filomeno Fontes, Nathália Marcolini Pelucio Pizato, Franciane Rocha de Faria, Renata Junqueira Pereira, Danielle Góes da Silva, Carolina Abreu de Carvalho, Fabiana de Cássia Carvalho Oliveira, Naiara Sperandio, Anderson Marliere Navarro, Sandra Patrícia Crispim, Silvia Eloiza Priore
Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, v. 2022, p. 1-5
Fator de impacto: 2.790

Resumo: Objective.eaim of this study was to compare the concentration of iodine in drinking water in the same or di€erent seasons of the year in Brazilian macroregions. Method. Water samples were collected from the Basic Health Units of eight municipalities that make up the di€erent Brazilian macroregions and the Federal District. Sample collection took place in the summer, autumn, winter, and spring seasons. The spectrophotometric method with “leuco crystal violet” was used to determine the concentration of iodine in the water. Descriptive statistics on the data were performed. To verify if there was a di€erence in the concentration of iodine in the water between the climatic seasons of the year in the same place and between the same seasons in di€erent locations, the Mann–Whitney orKruskal–Wallis test was used and a p < 0.05 value was considered signi“cant. Results. Among the climatic seasons throughout the year in the same location, there was a di€erence in the concentration of iodine in the water in the municipality of Pinhais, state of Paran´a/South macroregion, between autumn and summer (p  0.041) and winter and summer seasons (p  0.003). ere was a di€erence in the concentration of iodine in the water in the summer season between the Midwest and South macroregions; Northeast and Midwest, Southeast and South; North and Midwest, Southeast and South (p < 0.05). In the autumn season, there was a di€erence in the
concentration of iodine in the water between the Midwest and South macroregions; Northeast and Midwest, Southeast and South; North and Midwest, Northeast and South (p < 0.05). In the winter season, there was a di€erence in the concentration of iodine in the water between the Southeast and Midwest and Southeast and South macroregions (p < 0.05). In the spring season, there was a di€erence in the concentration of iodine in the water between the Southeast and Midwest and Southeast and South macroregions (p < 0.05). Conclusion. ere were di€erences in the iodine concentrations in drinking water in di€erent locations in Brazil, when analyzed in the same seasons, and in the municipality of Pinhais between the autumn and summer and winter and summer seasons. us, it is suggested to monitor the iodine concentrations in water, considering the di€erences in climate, characteristics of each region, and soils throughout the Brazilian territory, since the de“ciency or excess of iodine can bring risks to the health of the population.

Is work-family conflict a pathway between job strain components and binge eating? A cross-sectional analysis from the ELSA-Brasil study

Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Aline Silva‑Costa, Lucia Rotenberg, Arlinda B. Moreno, Enirtes Caetano Prates Melo, Itamar S. Santos, Maria Angélica Antunes Nunes, Susanna Toivanen, Dóra Chor, Rosane Härter Griep
Journal of Eating Disordes, v. 2022, p. 1.9
Fator de impacto: 4.049

Resumo: Background: Job strain has been reported as a trigger for binge eating, yet the underlying mechanisms have been unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether work-family conflict is a pathway in the association between job strain and binge eating, considering the possible effect-modifying influence of body mass index (BMI). Methods: This cross-sectional analysis included 12,084 active civil servants from the multicenter Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). Job strain was assessed using the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire. Work-family conflict was considered as a latent variable comprising three items. Binge eating was defined as eating a large amount of food in less than 2 h at least twice a week in the last six months with a sense of lack of control over what and how much was eaten. Structural equation modelling was used to test the role of work-family conflict in the association between job strain and binge eating, stratifying for BMI. Results: For individuals of normal weight, positive associations were found between skill discretion and binge eating (standardized coefficient [SC] = 0.209, 95%CI = 0.022-0.396), and between psychological job demands and work-family conflict (SC = 0.571, 95%CI = 0.520-0.622), but no statistically significant indirect effect was found. In overweight individuals, psychological job demands, skill discretion, and work-family conflict were positively associated with binge eating (SC = 0.099, 95%CI = 0.005-0.193; SC = 0.175, 95%CI = 0.062-0.288; and SC = 0.141, 95%CI = 0.077-0.206, respectively). Also, work-family conflict was observed to be a pathway on the associations of psychological job demands and decision authority with binge eating (SC = 0.084, 95%CI = 0.045-0.122; and SC = – 0.008, 95%CI = – 0.015- – 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Work-family conflict partly explains effects of high levels of psychological job demands and low levels of decision authority on binge eating among overweight individuals. Moreover, skill discretion is positively associated with binge eating, regardless of BMI category.

Kombuchas from Green and Black Tea Modulate the Gut Microbiota and Improve the Intestinal Health of Wistar Rats Fed a High-Fat High-Fructose Diet

Mirian Aparecida de Campos Costa, Luiza de Paula Dias Moreira, Vinícius da Silva Duarte, Rodrigo Rezende Cardoso, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Bárbara Pereira da Silva, Mariana Grancieri, Viviana Corich, Alessio Giacomini, Josefina Bressan, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino, Frederico Augusto Ribeiro de Barros
Nutrients, v. 14, p. 5234-5256

Resumo: The Western diet can negatively affect the gut microbiota and is associated with metabolic disorders. Kombucha, a tea fermented by a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), is known for its bioactive properties and has become popular in the last years. In this study, we evaluated the effects of regular kombucha consumption on the gut microbiota and on outcomes related to the intestinal health of Wistar rats fed a high-fat high-fructose diet. After eight weeks receiving a standard diet (AIN-93M) (n = 10) or a high-fat and high-fructose diet (HFHF) (n = 30) to induce metabolic disorders, the animals were subdivided into four groups: AIN-93M (n = 10); HFHF (n = 10); GTK (HFHF + green tea kombucha (n = 10); and BTK (HFHF + black tea kombucha; n = 10) for 10 weeks. Although body composition did not differ among the groups, the HFHF diet was associated with metabolic alterations, and stimulated the growth of gram-negative bacteria such as Proteobacteria and Bacteroides. Kombucha ingestion could somewhat modulate the gut microbiota, attenuating the effects of a Western diet by increasing propionate production and favoring the growth of beneficial bacteria, such as Adlercreutzia in the GTK group. Our results suggest that regular kombucha consumption may be beneficial to intestinal health, which can be mostly attributed to its high content and diversity of phenolic compounds.

Low polyphenols intake among highly scholarity population: CUME cohort

Amanda Popolino Diniz, Josefina Bressan, Raquel de Deus Mendonça, Hillary Nascimento Coletro, Júlia Cristina Cardoso Carraro, Adriano Marçal Pimenta, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Adriana Lúcia Meireles
International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, v. 2022
Fator de impacto: 1.784

Resumo: In the absence of a recommendation for daily intake of phenolic compounds, to compare the intake of the main dietary polyphenols between populations is a really challenge. This study aimed to estimate the total dietary intake of polyphenols, classes and their food sources among Brazilian graduates and postgraduates. This was a cross-sectional study using baseline data from the Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais (CUME project). Food consumption was assessed using a quantitative food frequency questionnaire with 144 food items. Polyphenol intake was estimated from the Phenol-Explorer and US Department of Agriculture database, and previous studies that evaluated the phenolic content of specific foods. A total of 4130 individuals of both sexes with a median age of 34 (18–86) years old were finally included. The median intake of total polyphenols adjusted for energy was 753.41 mg/day (interquartile range – IQR=461.80; p<0.001), and the most consumed classes were phenolic acids and flavonoids, with median intakes of 552.30 mg/d (IQR=429.78; p<0.001) and 154.70 mg/day (IQR=108.70; p<0.001), respectively. The main food sources of polyphenols were coffee, peanuts, beans, and fruits. A lower intake of total polyphenols and their classes was observed in a population with similar characteristics to those from developed countries. The results demonstrate the importance of disseminating nutritional information about foods, so that the consumption of natural foods is prioritized. New studies that evaluate the consumption of polyphenols and their impact on human health are recommended to establish a daily recommendation for the consumption of such compounds.

Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) kernel has good protein quality and improves the lipid profile and short chain fatty acids content in Wistar rats

Fátima Ladeira Mendes Duarte, Bárbara Pereira da Silva, Mariana Grancieri, Cíntia Tomaz Sant’Ana, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Sidney Pacheco, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino, Frederico Augusto Ribeiro de Barros
Food & Function, v. 13, p. 11342-11352

Resumo: Macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) has aroused interest in the food industry due to the high nutritional value of its fruits. This study aimed to evaluate the protein quality and influence on biochemical markers, short chain fatty acids content, intestinal morphology, and intestinal functionality in Wistar rats of macauba kernel. Male young rats were divided into three groups (n = 8) that received a control diet (casein), and two test diets (M30: 30% semi-defatted macauba kernel flour or M50: 50% semi-defatted macauba kernel flour) for 29 days. Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER), Net Protein Ratio (NPR), True Digestibility (TD), biochemical, and intestinal morphology and functionality markers were evaluated. The PER and NPR values were lower in test groups compared to the control group. TD did not differ between M30 and M50. The animals that were fed the macauba kernel flour had lower concentrations of total cholesterol and triglycerides compared to the control group. The concentration of acetic and propionic acids was higher and the fecal pH was lower in M30 and M50 groups compared to the control group. Gene expression of aminopeptidase (AP) and sodium-glucose transport protein 1 (SGLT1) did not differ among the groups, and the M50 group had lower expression of peptide transporter 1 (PepT1) and sucrase isomaltase (SI) than the control group. Crypts thickness was higher in the M50 group compared to the other groups, while the intestinal muscle layer width did not differ among groups. Therefore, macauba kernel flour proved to be a good plant protein alternative, and its consumption reduced blood lipids and increased short chain fatty acids content.

Mechanisms, Biomarkers, and Therapeutics involved in Inflammatory Disorders and Tissue Repair 2021

Reggiani Vilela Gonçalves, Mariáurea Matias Sarandy, Débora Esposito, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, v. 2022, p.1-2
Fator de impacto: 6.543

Metabolic syndrome and risk factors in children: a risk score proposal

Larissa Pereira Lourenço, Poliana Cristina de Almeida Fonseca Viola, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Carla de Oliveira Barbosa Rosa, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,v. 2022, p.1-5

Resumo: Introduction/Objective: The lack of international consensus on the definition of Metabolic Syndrome (MS) in the pediatric population makes it difficult to estimate its prevalence. In this study, we intend to identify MS prevalence and a cutoff point based on a continuous score in children aged four to seven years. Methods: A cross-sectional study of 402 children (4–7 years) monitored by the Lactation Support Program (PROLAC). A continuous MS risk score was assessed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In order to calculate the score, the following MS risk factors were considered: Waist circumference (WC), High Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Triglycerides (TG), Blood Pressure (BP) and Blood sugar. Using a Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) curve, the cutoff point for predicting MS risk based on continuous score was evaluated. Results: A progressive increase in MS scores was observed according to increase in the number of risk factors. This increase was also observed when comparing boys and girls (p < 0.001). In the absence of MS, the median score among the children was −0.0486 (−0.2929–0.2151). For children with MS, the median score was 0.5237 (0.2286–0.7104) (p < 0.001). The best cutoff score for predicting MS in children aged four to five years was >0.09 (100% sensitivity and specificity 72.67%). For children aged six to seven years, this value was >0.14 (100% sensitivity and 64.65% specificity). Conclusion: The calculated continuous risk score can predict MS with good accuracy and high sensitivity and reasonable specificity.

Neighborhood obesogenic environment and cardiometabolic risk in Brazilian children: The mediation role of the mother’s body mass index

Fernanda Martins de Albuquerque, Milene Cristine Pessoa, Mariana De Santis Filgueiras, Ariene Silva do Carmo, Aline Siqueira Fogal Vegi, Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro, Juliana Farias de Novaes
American Journal of Human Biology, v.2022, p.1-12

Resumo: Objective: We aimed to evaluate the association of neighborhood obesogenic and leptogenic environments with cardiometabolic risk clustering among Brazilian schoolchildren, mediated by child’s ultra-processed food consumption and the mother’s body mass index (BMI). Methods: A total of 367 children aged 8–9 years, enrolled in urban schools of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated. Waist circumference, insulin resistance, blood pressure, high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and triglycerides concentrations were measured. The child’s ultra-processed food consumption assessment was performed by applying three 24-hour dietary recall. The mother’s weight and height values were used to calculate the BMI. The neighborhood income, walkability index, predominantly ultra-processed food stores, public spaces for leisure, and/or physical activities, traffic accidents, crime, and green spaces densities were assessed in four hundred road network buffers around households. From neighborhood and cardiometabolic risk variables, four latent variables were obtained from confirmatory factor analysis: neighborhood “obesogenic”, and “leptogenic” environments; “high cardiometabolic risk,” and “low atherogenic risk”. A structural equation model was used to test the direct and indirect associations between neighborhood environment and cardiometabolic risk clusters. Results: The neighborhood obesogenic environment had a significant total association (Standardized Coefficient = 0.172, p = .011) and was indirectly associated with the child’s “high cardiometabolic risk” cluster, mediated by the mother’s body mass index (Standardized Coefficient = 0.066, p = .049). Conclusions: Our results reinforce the role of the urban environment on maternal obesity and child’s cardiometabolic risk and provide evidence for public health policies aimed to prevent such conditions.

Obesogenic environment around schools is associated with atherogenic risk in Brazilian children

Fernanda Martins de Albuquerque, Milene Cristine Pessoa, Mariana De Santis Filgueiras, Ariene Silva do Carmo, Aline Siqueira Fogal Vegi, Andréia Queiroz Ribeiro, Juliana Farias de Novaes
American Journal of Human Biology, v.2022, p.1-11

Resumo: Introduction: Cardiometabolic risk factors often emerge in childhood, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in adulthood. The school environments represent an important active space in a child’s routine and may influence their health status. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to evaluate the clustering of cardiometabolic risk factors and its association with the obesogenic and leptogenic environment around schools. A total of 378 children (181 boys; 197 girls) aged 8 and 9 years, enrolled in all urban schools of Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil, were evaluated. Concentrations of high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-c) and triglycerides (TG), and the insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), waist circumference (WC), and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were measured. The neighborhood income, walkability index, predominantly ultra-processed food stores, public spaces for leisure and/or physical activities, traffic accidents, crime and green spaces densities were assessed in 400 road network buffers around schools. To test association of the obesogenic and leptogenic environment around schools with cardiometabolic risk clustering, binary logistic regression models were performed with generalized estimating equations. Results: “Obesogenic school environments” had greater densities of ultra-processed food stores, crime and traffic accidents, and higher walkability. The “↓ Atherogenic risk” cluster consisted of lower TG and higher TG values. There was an inverse association between the obesogenic environment around schools and a child’s “↓ atherogenic risk” clustering (OR = 0.63; p < 0.001). Conclusion: We concluded that public policies aimed at modifying the environment around schools, by providing healthier food options and safe conditions for active mobility, are essential to prevent child’s atherogenic risk.

Prevalence of Excessive Iodine Intake in Pregnancy and Its Health Consequences: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Aline Carare Candido, Almir Antônio Vieira, Emily de Souza Ferreira, Tiago Ricardo Moreira,Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta
Biological Trace Element Research, v. 2022, p.1-11
Fator de impacto: 3.738

Resumo: The objective was to estimate the prevalence of excessive iodine intake in pregnant women and to investigate the consequences: for maternal–fetal health. The systematic review was based on PRISMA. The search was conducted in September 2021 in LILACS, PubMed/MEDLINE, Science Direct, and SCOPUS databases. Observational studies that assessed excessive nutritional iodine status in pregnancy diagnosed by urinary iodine concentration and associated it with biomarkers of thyroid health function were included. Study selection, data extraction, and risk of biased evaluation were performed independently.
Meta-analysis was calculated using a fixed and random effect model, and heterogeneity was assessed by the chi-square test. Meta-regressions were performed to identify the causes of heterogeneity using the Knapp and Hartung test. Nine studies were included in the systematic review, and eight in the meta-analysis. The prevalence of excessive iodine intake in 10,736 pregnant women in different regions of the world was 52%. The main implications for pregnant women were hypothyroxinemia, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. For the newborn, macrosomia and thyroid dysfunction. In addition, drinking water with high iodine intake contributed to excessive iodine intake. Therefore, the prevalence of iodine excess was 52%, with high heterogeneity among studies, explained by trimester of gestation and FT4 level; therefore, the farther the trimester of gestation and the lower the FT4, the higher the prevalence of iodine excess.

Pro-inflammatory maternal diet and early weaning are associated with the Inflammatory Diet Index of Brazilian children (6-12 months): a pathway analysis

Marcela Martins Soares, Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Nitin Shivappa, James R Hebert, Raquel Maria Amaral Araújo
Nutrition, v. 105, p. 1-5

Resumo: Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the dietary inflammatory index (DII) and its association with maternal factors and excess body weight in Brazilian children aged <2 y during complementary feeding. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study (2016–2019), conducted with 231 mothers and children ages 6 to 24 mo. The food consumption of the mother-child dyad was obtained through the mean of three 24-h recalls, as well as information on the consumption of breast milk. The DII was used to verify the quality of the diet. Children’s weight and length were measured, and the weight/height index was calculated. Path analysis was used to assess the interrelationships between variables. Multiple linear regression was conducted to identify the components of the child’s DII (C-DII) that contributed the most to explaining its variation. Results: The children had an anti-inflammatory diet (C-DII –0.37 ± 0.91) whereas the mothers had a proinflammatory diet (M-DII +0.24 ± 0.86). Fiber was the nutrient that contributed most to the variations in the C-DII. Approximately 28% of children were overweight. In the pathway analysis, we verified a direct negative effect of education on excess body weight (standardized coefficients [SC], –0.180; P = 0.034) and C-DII (SC, –0.167; P = 0.002); negative direct effect of breastfeeding on the C-DII (SC, –0.294; P < 0.001); and positive direct effect of M-DII on C-DII (SC, 0.119; P = 0.021). Conclusion: Children’s proinflammatory diet during the period of complementary feeding was associated with maternal proinflammatory diets, lower education, and absence of breastfeeding practice.

Retail food outlets and metabolic syndrome: a systematic review of longitudinal studies.

Fernanda Martins de Albuquerque, Milene Cristine Pessoa, Mariana De Santis Filgueiras, Danielle Soares Gardone, Juliana Farias de Novaes
Nutrition Reviews, v.2022
Fator de impacto: 7.11

Resumo: Context: The community food environment covers the type, quantity, density, location, and access to retail food outlets, and its influence on eating behavior, obesity, and metabolic syndrome has been investigated. Objective: To evaluate the evidence on longitudinal associations between objectively measured retail food outlets and metabolic syndrome components in children, adolescents, and adults. Data extraction: This systematic review followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Study quality and risk of bias were assessed with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Data sources: The Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Scielo, PubMed, MEDLINE, and Lilacs databases were searched without any restriction on publication dates. Data analysis: Of the 18 longitudinal studies included, significant associations were reported in 9 between retail food outlets and metabolic syndrome components in adults (6 positive associations, 2 negative, and 1 both positive and negative), and in 3 studies of children and adolescents (2 negative associations and 1 both positive and negative). Six studies with adults found no association. Conclusion: Limited evidence was found for longitudinal associations between retail food outlets and metabolic syndrome components. In future studies, researchers should consider the use of standardized retail food outlet measurements and accurate analysis to better understand the influence of the community food environment on metabolic syndrome.

Selenium in Brazil nuts: An overview of agronomical aspects, recent trends in analytical chemistry, and health outcomes

Daniel Barbosa Alcântara, Ana Paula Dionísio, Adriana G. Artur, Brenda Kelly Souza Silveira, Amanda F. Lopes, Jhonyson A. C. Guedes, Lícia R. Luz, Ronaldo F. Nascimento, Gisele S. Lopes, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Guilherme J. Zocolo
Food Chemistry, v. 137, p.1-17
Fator de impacto: 7.514

Resumo: Se is an essential element in mammals. We review how its bioavailability in soil and the ability of plants to accumulate Se in foods depends on the soil Se profile (including levels and formats), besides to describe how the various selenoproteins have important biochemical functions in the body and directly impact human health. Owing to its favorable characteristics, the scientific community has investigated selenomethionine in most nut matrices. Among nuts, Brazil nuts have been highlighted as one of the richest sources of bioavailable Se. We summarize the most commonly used analytical methods for Se species and total Se determination in nuts. We also discuss the chemical forms of Se metabolized by mammals, human biochemistry and health outcomes from daily dietary intake of Se from Brazil nuts. These findings may facilitate the understanding of the importance of adequate dietary Se intake and enable researchers to define methods to determine Se species.

Sintomas de intoxicação e condições de saúde de agricultores familiares associadas ao uso de agrotóxicos: um estudo realizado na Zona da Mata Mineira, Brasil

Elizangela da Silva Miguel, Davi Lopes do Carmo, Sílvia Oliveira Lopes, Ricardo Henrique Silva Santos, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini, Luiza Carla Vidigal Castro, Glauce Dias da Costa, Silvia Eloíza Priore
Research, Society and Development, v. 11, p.1-12

Resumo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a associação entre uso de agrotóxicos, sintomas de intoxicação e condições de saúde de agricultores familiares da Mata Mineira, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com 48 agricultores familiares de um município da Zona da Mata mineira. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado para obtenção de informações demográficas, socioeconômicas e caracterização do uso de agrotóxicos. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas dos agricultores para exames bioquímicos e avaliaçãode marcadores de exposição a agrotóxicos. Constatou-se que 75% dos agricultores utilizavam agrotóxicos na produção de alimentos, sendo a maioria desses produtos extremamente tóxicos. Esses agricultores apresentaram alterações na colinesterase plasmática, colinesterase eritrocitária e butirilcolinesterase, marcadores de exposição a agrotóxicos. Houve associação entre pulverização por mais de 4 horas/dia e relato de sintomas agudos de intoxicação, bem como entre uso de agrotóxicos e presença de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. A análise multivariada indicou que o não cumprimento do período de reingresso nas lavouras após o uso de agrotóxicos permaneceu como variável explicativa para doença pulmonar. Inferimos que sintomas agudos, assim como doenças crônicas não transmissíveis relatadas por agricultores familiares, podem estar associados ao uso de agrotóxicos

Situação socioeconômica, tempo de tela e de permanência na escola e o consumo alimentar de crianças

Poliana Cristina de Almeida Fonseca Viola, Sarah Aparecida Vieira Ribeiro, Roberta Rejane Santos de Carvalho, Cristiana Santos Andreoli, Juliana Farias de Novaes, Silvia Eloiza Priore, Carolina Abreu de Carvalho, Sylvia do Carmo Castro Franceschini
Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, v. 2022, p.1-12

Resumo: Este estudo objetivou avaliar a associação de fatores sociodemográficos e estilo de vida com consumo de alimentos in natura ou minimamente processados (INMP), ultraprocessados (AUP) e frutas e hortaliças. Trata-se de estudo transversal com 403 crianças de 4 a 7 anos de uma coorte retrospectiva. Variáveis sociodemográficas e estilo de vida foram investigadas através do questionário sociodemográfico. O consumo alimentar foi avaliado por três registros alimentares. Empregaram-se análises de regressão linear bivariadas e multivariadas para analisar as associações. Crianças com menor renda apresentaram maior consumo de alimentos INMP e menor consumo de AUP. Menor tempo de permanência na escola associou-se ao menor consumo de alimentos INMP e maior consumo de AUP. Crianças com maior tempo de tela e com pais de menor escolaridade, consumiram menos frutas e hortaliças. Fatores sociodemográficos desfavoráveis se associaram ao melhor perfil de consumo de alimentos segundo o nível de processamento, exceto para frutas e hortaliças. O maior tempo de permanência na escola e menor tempo de tela contribuíram para uma alimentação mais saudável.

Sorghum flour BRS 305 hybrid has the potential to modulate the intestinal microbiota of rats fed with a high-fat high-fructose diet

Oscar David Medina Martinez, Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Mariana Grancieri, Vinícius Parzanini Brilhante de São José, Renata Celi Lopes Toledo, Valéria Aparecida Vieira Queiroz, Bárbara Pereira da Silva, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino
European Journal of Nutrition, v.2022, p.1-11

Resumo: Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the effect of dry heated whole sorghum BRS 305 hybrid flour on the gut microbiota modulation and gut health of rats fed with a high-fat high-fructose diet (HFHF). Methods: In phase I (8 weeks), 45-50 days, male Wistar rats, were separated into the AIN93-M group (n = 10; fed with normal diet) and HFHF group (n = 20; fed with diet rich in saturated and simple carbohydrate). In phase II (10 weeks), we maintained the AIN-93-M group, and the HFHF group was divided into the HFHF group (n = 10) and HFHF plus sorghum flour group (n = 10). Results: The consumption of sorghum flour increased the circular muscle layer and propionic acid when compared to the HFHF group. The sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene of the cecal microbiota presented no changes in the α-diversity and β-diversity between. However, the sorghum group exhibited higher relative abundance of Firmicutes and higher Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio compared to the other experimental groups, and lower abundance of Bacteroidetes, compared to the HFHF group. Despite, sorghum increased the abundance of the genera Roseburia and Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136_group compared to the HFHF group. No differences were observed in total goblet cell number, crypt thickness and height, circular muscle layer, secretory IgA, and butyric acid between all groups. Conclusions: The consumption of sorghum flour can modulate the gut microbiota composition, abundance of SCFA-producing bacteria, and intestinal morphology even with consumption of an HFHF diet.

Synbiotic modulates intestinal microbiota metabolic pathways and inhibits DMH-induced colon tumorigenesis through c-myc and PCNA suppression

Bruna Cristina dos Santos Cruz, Vinícius da Silva Duarte, Roberto Sousa Dias, Andressa Ladeira Bernardes, Sérgio Oliveira de Paula, Célia Lúcia de Luces Fortes Ferreira, Maria do Carmo Gouveia Peluzio
Food Research International, v. 158, p.1-12
Fator de impacto: 6.475

Resumo: The use of probiotic and synbiotic is a promising strategy to modulate the intestinal microbiota, and thereby modify the risk of diseases. In this study, the effect of probiotic VSL#3, isolated or associated with a yacon-based product (PBY), on the functional metabolic pathways of the microbiota, in a colorectal carcinogenesis model, was evaluated. For this, mice induced to carcinogenesis were fed with standard diet AIN-93 M (CON), diet AIN-93 M and VSL#3 (PRO) or diet AIN-93 M with yacon and VSL#3 (SYN). The SYN group showed a highly differentiated intestinal community based on the MetaCyc pathways. Of the 351 predicted functional pathways, 222 differed between groups. Most of them were enriched in the SYN group, namely: amino acid biosynthesis pathways, small molecule biosynthesis pathways (cofactors, prosthetic groups, electron carriers and vitamins) carbohydrate degradation pathways and fermentation pathways. In addition, the synbiotic was able to stimulate the anti-inflammatory immune response and reduce the gene expression of PCNA and c-myc. Thus, we conclude that the synbiotic impacted more significantly the metabolic functions of the microbiota compared to the isolated use of probiotic. We believe that the enrichment of these pathways can exert antiproliferative action, reducing colorectal carcinogenesis. The prediction of the functional activity of the microbiota is a promising tool for understanding the influence of the microbiome on tumor development.

The efectiveness of the use of telehealth programs in the care of individuals with hypertension and, or diabetes mellitus: systematic review and meta-analysis

Daniel Souza Santos, Clara Regina Santos Batistelli, Marina Marilac dos Santos Lara, Emily de Souza Ferreira, Tiago Ricardo Moreira, Rosângela Minardi Mitre Cotta
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, v. 2022, p. 1-9
Fator de impacto: 3.320

Resumo: Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension are some of the main Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases, representing a big challenge for global health. In this context, Telehealth programs are presented as a tool with exciting potential to complement and support health care. This paper aimed to analyze the effectiveness of the use of Telehealth programs in the care of individuals with Hypertension and/or Diabetes Mellitus. Methods: A systematic review with meta-analysis was carried out according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol methodology. The following databases were used: PubMed, EMBASE, SciELO, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library. Papers were included if they addressed the use of technologies that allow two-way communication at a distance between health professionals and patients affected by Hypertension and/or Diabetes Mellitus, type 1 or type 2. Experimental, cross-sectional, case–control, cohort, and clinical trials were included in the review. Results: We included 164 papers in the review and 45 in the meta-analysis final synthesis. The systematic review results showed a prevalence of telemonitoring as the main form of Telehealth. The study showed a reduction in expenses with the use of Telehealth, both for the users and for the health systems providers, followed by greater satisfaction. Our meta-analysis showed that Telehealth is an effective tool in the care of diabetic patients, providing a 0.353% reduction in HbA1c compared to traditional care. No studies on Hypertension that met our eligibility criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis were found. Conclusions: Telehealth is an effective tool for the care of people with Diabetes Mellitus and/or Hypertension

The relationship between ultra-processed food intake and cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese women: A cross-sectional study

Dorsa Hosseininasab, Farideh Shiraseb, Sahar Noori, Shahin Jamili, Fatemeh Mazaheri-Eftekhar, Mahshid Dehghan, Alessandra da Silva, Josefina Bressan, Khadijeh Mirzaei
Frontiers in Nutrition, v. 9, p. 1-15
Fator de impacto: 6.576

Resumo: Background: Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death globally. Based on recent studies, one of the factors that can have detrimental eects on CVD is the consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs). The current study investigated the relationship between UPF intake and
cardiometabolic risk factors among Iranian women. Methods: The current cross-sectional study was conducted on 391 women aged 18–65 years with a body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg/m2. Dietary
intake was assessed using a 147-item food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Anthropometric and biochemistry parameters were also collected. UPFs were identified using the NOVA classification.
Results: In the present study, women had a mean (standard deviation) age of 36.67 (9.10) years and the mean BMI of 31.26 (4.29) kg/m2. According to our findings, there was a significant association between UPF consumption and transforming growth factor (TGF) (β: 0.101, 95% CI: 0.023, 0.180, p =0.012), atherogenic coecient (AC) (β: 0.011, 95% CI: 0.001, 0.032, p = 0.034), visceral fat level (VFL) (β: 0.006, 95% CI: −0.017, 0.029, p = 0.076), and the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI) (β: −3.775, 95%CI: 0.001, 0.001, p = 0.042). Conclusion: In conclusion, an increase in consumption of one gram of UPFs is associated with an increase in TGF, AC, and VFL but with a decrease in QUICKI. Despite this, further experimental studies are necessary to draw a more definite conclusion and disentangle the mechanisms by which UPFs may aect hea

Total Polyphenol Intake, Polyphenol Subtypes, and Prevalence of Hypertension in the CUME Cohort

Hillary Nascimento Coletro, Josefina Bressan, Amanda Popolino Diniz, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff, Adriano Marçal Pimenta, Adriana Lúcia Meireles, Raquel de Deus Mendonça, Júlia Cristina Cardoso Carraro
Journal of the American Nutrition Association, v. 2022, p. 1-12

Resumo: Objective:Epidemiological studies have shown associations between polyphenol consumption and reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases. This study aimed to assess the association between polyphenol intake and the prevalence of hypertension.Methods:This cross-sectional study was performed on data from the Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais (CUME) project. Participants completed an online food frequency questionnaire, and polyphenol intake was assessed using the Phenol-Explorer database and articles. Hypertension was determined by a medical diagnosis, having a blood pressure ≥ 130 mmHg/80 mmHg, or using antihypertensive drugs. Adjusted logistic regression models were used to estimate the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for the prevalence of hypertension.Results:The prevalence of hypertension was 39.57%, and the average intake of total polyphenols was 860.79 mg/day. The highest (5th quintile) intake of flavonoids (mean: 368.46mg/day; OR: 0.83; 95%CI 0.70; 0.97), hydroxybenzoic acids (mean: 379.38mg/day; OR: 0.77; 95%CI: 0.66;0.91), and flavonols (mean: 44.13mg/day; OR: 0.79; 95%CI: 0.67; 0.93) was inversely associated with hypertension prevalence, compared to the lowest intake (1st quintile).Conclusions:Our findings demonstrate that the intake of flavonoids, hydroxybenzoic acids, and flavonols is associated with a lower prevalence of hypertension.

Triglyceride glucose index: A new biomarker in predicting cardiovascular risk

Susilane Pereira Araújo, Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Josefina Bressan, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff
Preventive Medicine Reports,v. 29, p.1-5.
Fator de impacto: 2.660

Resumo: Introduction Insulin resistance can be assessed by the Triglyceride-Glucose Index (TyG), a simple, low-cost, and easy-to-apply method. Objective To assess the predictive capacity of the TyG index about cardiovascular risk and identify its cutoff point in a population at cardiometabolic risk. Methods Cross-sectional study with 264 individuals at cardiometabolic risk (54.9% women, age: 43.1 ± 16.3 years). Demographic, anthropometric, clinical-laboratory, and lifestyle data were collected. The TyG index was determined using the formula Ln [fasting triglycerides (mg/dL) × fasting plasma glucose (mg (dL)/2]. The ten-year cardiovascular risk was assessed by the Framingham risk score (FRS). The receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) was used to define the cutoff point for the TyG index, and the associations were tested by Poisson regression. Results ROC curve analysis indicated an area under the curve of 0.678 (95% CI = 0.618–0.734; p < 0.001), with a cutoff of 9.04 (sensitivity = 62.5%, specificity = 66.7%, positive predictive value = 29.4% and negative predictive value = 88.9%). Elevated TyG values ​​(≥9.04) were positively associated with cardiometabolic risk factors (total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, uric acid, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, waist-hip ratio, systolic blood pressure, HOMA-IR, smoking, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and hepatic steatosis). After adjustment for confounding factors, individuals with high TyG showed an increase of 69% (RP = 1.69; 95%CI = 1.03–2.78) in the prevalence of intermediate/high risk by FRS, compared to those with low TyG. Conclusion The TyG index showed a good predictive capacity for cardiovascular risk in ten years assessed by the FRS.

Triglyceride-glucose index is associated with poor sleep quality in apparently healthy subjects: A cross-sectional study

Daniela Carolina Avelino, Alessandra da Silva, Larissa Oliveira Chaves, Júlia Cristina Cardoso Carraro, Fernanda de Carvalho Vidigal, Josefina Bressan
Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, v.2022, p1-19

Resumo: Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the association between the triglyceride glucose index (TyG index) and sleep quality and to establish a cut-off value for the TyG index based on the prevalence of subjects with insulin resistance (IR). Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study involved Brazilian health professionals (20-59 years). A total of 138 subjects answered the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality questionnaire to evaluate sleep quality. They were categorized into two groups: good sleep quality (global score ≤ 5 points) and poor sleep quality (global score ≥ 6 points). Also, we classified the subjects as having a high (>8.08 or >4.38) or low TyG index (≤8.08 or ≤4.38). Results: The majority of the subjects (70%) with high TyG index values (>8.08 or >4.38) reported poor sleep quality (p ≤ 0.001). Those with poor sleep quality had a 1.44-fold higher prevalence of IR (TyG index >8.08 or >4.38) compared to those with good sleep quality, regardless of sex, total cholesterol, LDL/HDL ratio, insulin, complement C3, CRP, and adiponectin (p ≤ 0.001). Conclusion: Our data showed a positive and significant association between the TyG index and poor sleep quality. Thus, these findings support the association between poor sleep quality and IR.

Ultra-processed food consumption and dietary, lifestyle and social determinants: a path analysis in Brazilian graduates (CUME project)

Jéssica Bevenuto Mattar, Ana Luiza Gomes Domingos, Helen Hermana Miranda Hermsdorff,
Leidjaira Lopes Juvanhol, Fernando Luiz Pereira de Oliveira, Adriano Marçal Pimenta, Josefina Bressan
Public Health Nutrition, v.25, p.3326–3334

Resumo: Objective: To explore the relationship between ultra-processed foods (UPF) consumption and dietary, lifestyle and social determinants using pathway analysis in the baseline of the Cohort of Universities of Minas Gerais (CUME project). Design: Cross-sectional study, in which path analysis was used to estimate direct and indirect effects of dietary practices, sleep, time on the computer and professional status on UPF consumption. Setting: Data were collected in 2016, through an online questionnaire composed of sociodemographic, anthropometric, lifestyle and dietary practices questions, and a FFQ. Participants: Baseline participants from the CUME Project (n 2826), adults who graduated from Universidade Federal de Viçosa or Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil. Results: Being employed (P = 0·024), the time spent on the computer (P = 0·031) and the frequency of fried food intake (P < 0·001) were positively and directly associated with UPF consumption, whereas the sleep duration (P = 0·007) and the number of meals per d (P < 0·001) were negatively and directly associated with UPF consumption. Indirect effects were observed between being employed, mediated by the sleep duration (P = 0·032) and fried food intake (P = 0·005), whereas being a student is mediated by the time on the computer (P = 0·048). Conclusion: The time spent on the computer, sleep duration and fried food consumption showed direct effects on UPF consumption. They also acted as mediators on the relationship between professional status and UPF consumption. Besides, the number of meals eaten each day also was directly associated with UPF consumption.

Urate-lowering effect of calcium supplementation: Analyses of a randomized controlled trial

Flavia Glavão Cândido, Raquel Duarte Moreira Alves, Dayse Mara de Oliveira Freitas, Jersica Martins Bittencourt, Daniela Mayumi Usuda Prado Rocha, Rita de Cassia Gonçalves Alfenas
Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, v. 2022, p.1-6
Fator de imapcto: 7.324

Resumo: Objective. To investigate if the gout-protective effect of low-fat dairy products could be attributed to the urate-lowering effect of calcium. Methods. This is a placebo-controlled trial in which thirty-five adult (aged 18–42 years) female low-calcium consumers (<800 mg/d) were randomized to one of three treatment groups: low calcium breakfast (control, ∼70 mg of calcium/d) –C or high-calcium breakfast (∼770 mg/d) from calcium citrate – CIT or from skim milk – SM, during 45 consecutive days. Breakfasts were matched for potential confounders and were provided as part of an energy-restricted normoprotein diet containing an additional 800 mg of calcium/d. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry measurements (body fat assessment) and fasting blood samples (urate, ionic calcium, PTH, and 1,25-(OH)2-D3) were taken at baseline and the end of the experiment. Clinical trial registration: (RBR-7Q2N33). Results. Despite no significant changes in total body weight/fat, CIT and SM led to a significant reduction in serum urate and ionic calcium, but did not affect PTH and vitamin D concentrations compared to C. CIT and SM reduced baseline serum urate by ∼14% and ∼17%, respectively. There was a trend to a positive correlation between changes in serum urate and changes in ionic calcium on day 45 (r = 0.327, P = 0.055). Conclusions. Calcium supplementation (770 mg/d from dairy or calcium citrate) reduced serum urate concentrations, suggesting that the gout-protective effect of low-fat dairy consumption is at least partly due to a urate-lowering effect of calcium.

Zinc Biofortified Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) Soluble Extracts Modulate Assessed Cecal Bacterial Populations and Gut Morphology In Vivo (Gallus gallus)

Mariana Juste Contin Gomes, Hércia Stampini Duarte Martino, Nikolai Kolba, Jacquelyn Cheng, Nikita Agarwal, Maurisrael de Moura Rocha, Elad Tako
Frontiers in Bioscience Landmark, v.27, p.1-13
Fator de imapcto: 4.009

Resumo: Background: Biofortification is a method that improves the nutritional value of food crops through conventional plant breeding. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of intra-amniotic administration of soluble extracts from zinc (Zn) biofortified and Zn standard cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) flour on intestinal functionality and morphology, inflammation, and gut microbiota, in vivo. Methods: Seven treatment groups were utilized: (1) No Injection; (2) 18 MΩ H2O; (3) 50 mg/mL Inulin; (4) 50 mg/mL BRS Pajeú soluble extract (Zn standard); (5) 50 mg/mL BRS Aracê soluble extract (Zn biofortified); (6) 50 mg/mL BRS Imponente soluble extract (Zn biofortified); (7) 50 mg/mL BRS Xiquexique soluble extract (Zn biofortified). Results: Treatment groups with BRS Imponente and BRS Xiquexique reduced the abundance of Clostridium and E. coli when compared with all other experimental groups. All cowpea soluble extracts increased villi goblet cell number (total), specifically acidic goblet cell type number per villi relative to inulin and 18MΩ H2O groups. Moreover, BRS Xiquexique increased the crypt goblet diameter and the crypt depth compared to all treatments and controls. The Zn content in the Zn biofortified cowpea flours was higher when compared to the Zn standard flour (BRS Pajeú), and the phytate: Zn molar ratio was lower in the Zn biofortified flours compared to the Zn standard flour. In general, all cowpea soluble extracts maintained the gene expression of proteins involved with Zn and iron absorption, brush border membrane (BBM) functionality and inflammation compared to inulin and 18MΩ H2O. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the potential nutritional benefit of standard and biofortified
cowpea treatment groups to improve intestinal morphology, BBM functionality, inflammation, and gut microbiota, with the highest effect of BRS Xiquexique soluble extracts to improve assessed cecal microflora populations and intestinal morphology.


Programa: Pós Graduação em Ciência da Nutrição
Departamento de Nutrição e Saúde / CCBII
Campus Universitário
CEP: 36570-900 Viçosa MG
Telefone: (31) 3612-5186 / FAX: (31) 3612-5187

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